Cool Cars for Cats and Canines: April 28, 2012

26 August 2009
Arlington, VA

Hershey AACA Museum
161 Museum Drive
Hershey, PA 17033

Last year's show was great, good NSX showing, fun drive from the DC area. Who's in?

So far we have:

Jack - jdwelsh3
Ben - redbird92
Dan - blue_myriddn

Hershey AACA Museum
161 Museum Drive
Hershey, PA 17033

Last year's show was great, good NSX showing, fun drive from the DC area. Who's in?

So far we have:

Jack - jdwelsh3
Ben - redbird92
Dan - blue_myriddn

Maybe if I have my interior together. I do not have the parts back from the body shop yet so I am unsure. Michael Grybrd
Nice to see a little more Southern representation for this event! The Northeast folks apparently have 4 NSX's registered, so we may be on track to outnumber them!

Registration ends April 14th, so not a lot of time left to hop in to the event. Here's the schedule:

8AM - 10AM: Arrival and Car Prep
10AM: Show Opens to the Public
10AM-12 NOON: Concours Judging
1:30PM : Award Presentations, Raffle Winner Announcements

I will be going up Friday afternoon and spending the night, would love to convoy though if that timetable works out. I suspect we could plan to meet up with Ben and the Maryland gang in Frederick.
Any updates on travel plans? I am hoping to leave the DC area by 2PM on Friday to avoid the agonies of traffic on 270N. Always nice to travel in a pack.
Gentlemen, we are up to 9 NSX's registered to attend, and they are coming from all over. 3 from Virginia, 2 from Maryland, 2 from New York, 1 from Pennsylvania, and 1 from Massachusetts! If any of you would like to join a caravan coming up from Virginia/Maryland, I am pasting the following information that contains meet up times and locations.


In order to accommodate everyone interested in driving up together Sat. morning, we’ll use the same route from last year with a few small changes (example: meeting at Rutter’s in York, PA instead of the McDonalds). The show opens at 10:00am and my goal is to get us there by 9:00am so that we have time to clean off the cars a bit. We will be stopped at each location to allow people to arrive and to refuel as needed. For the most part, this is a moving train so it’s your responsibility to meetup with us at any given location (although obviously we’ll try to accommodate). PM chrcowan you want his cell number.

In addition, it would be helpful to know if anyone is planning on joining the group at the Ikea College Park location. We stopped and waited last year and no one was there. If no one plans on meeting us there we can just skip it, so it would be nice to know in advance. Again, we have no problem stopping there if that’s a convenient spot for people. Regarding the other locations, it doesn't really matter who is planning on showing because we will be stopping there for the agreed upon time regardless. We should have a few minutes of flexibility to wait for someone, but I’m not keeping a checklist of attendees. Please be respectful of others and show up on time.

chrcowan will be leading the caravan (2008 Viper), but if at any point you want to pass him you should feel free. Everyone will know where we’re going and when we’re going to get there, so we can just catch up with you. Again, we’ll be stopping almost every 45 mins. for water, food, fuel, etc. so that shouldn’t be a big problem if we get broken up.

What to bring:
- Quick detailer, cloths, etc. if you want to clean your car before the show.
- Smart phone, navigation system, or atlas.
- Camera, walkie talkie, etc.
- Please also arrive at your first stop with a fuel tank of gas.
- A printed copy of this post and the map below.


A. TYSONS CORNER, VA [arrive whenever – leave by 5:10am] (gasp): The Northern VA people should meet at the Starbucks in Tysons Corner, VA. (8520 Suite D, Leesburg Pike, Vienna, VA, 22103, 703-760-7037). This should be a familiar location to many and it’s close to the beltway. We are leaving VERY early and will be on a tight timeline, but there is just no way to hit all of our check points without doing so. I HIGHLY suggest getting here early if you are coming from further South so that we don’t leave you behind. I’ll try to get there by 4:40am.

[30 min drive to College Park, MD]

B. COLLEGE PARK, MD [arrive 5:40am – leave by 6:00am]: We will be meeting a group of MD folks at the IKEA parking lot in College Park (10100 Baltimore Ave., College Park, MD 20740). Again, this should be a familiar location to people. We won’t be stopping for long, but it should give us enough of a window to connect.

[45 min drive to Baltimore, MD]

C. BALTIMORE, MD [arrive 6:45am – leave by 7:10am]: We will combine forces with the Baltimore group at Best Buy in Hunt Valley (118 Shawan Road, Hunt Valley, MD 21030). Again, short window for everyone arriving, but we should have just enough time to get a quick break. You can get fuel at the next stop should you need it.

[45 min drive to York, PA]

D. YORK, PA [arrive 7:55am – leave 8:15am]: We can make a short stop at the Rutter’s Farm Store in York, PA (160 North Hills Rd (at Industrial Hwy), York, PA 17402, (717-755-4000). We’ve met up here a few times and it’s just off the highway. Plenty of food and gas available.

[45 min drive to Hershey, PA]

E. HERSHEY, PA [arrive at 9:00am]: There will be signs for the entrance to the show. We should also have enough flexibility in the schedule to account for some unexpected delays and still get there on time to clean the cars a little (Antique Auto Club of America Museum, 161 Museum Drive, Hershey, PA 17033, 717-566-7100).

Thanks again everyone. The NSX Prime folks have really stepped up for this great event. See you Saturday!
Calling for Rain sat and sun , who's going if it is a rainy cold 47 degree mess ??

Just checked the forecast for NoVA and Hershey, PA...precip starts in the evening (6 PM) and I think we would be back around that time. The frigid temps and cloudiness don't lend themselves well to carshows. If the show doesn't get rescheduled I'm going to attend...I got rained on pretty bad on Monday and, surprisingly, the car didn't melt :tongue: