Convertible NSX: Ice-T Representin' for the Cause

20 March 2000
Richmond, VA
Hi gang,
I came across something that I thought you all might like. There is a new magazine called "DUB" that is heralded as an "Automotive Lifestyle Magazine". Website is almost non-existant, but is at . Anyway, in the latest issue (two), there is a profile on Rapper Mega-Star and Movie cultural icon Ice-T shares his personal car collection on page 18.

The article states that when he first hit it big that he bought EVER car there was, having as many as 12 at a time. When push came to shove (read as when all the money dried up and it no longer became possible to justify 12 cars) he got rid of all but 4 of them. Of the 4, there are only 2 that he feels are worthy to get normal use. 1) 1997 Mercedes Benz S 600 (now, we all know you can show your face around the 'hood if you don't have a black Benz with 20" wheels and a V-12 so he has that covered, even just bought a new 2000 model to replace this one.
and 2) a 1995 Acura NSX Convertible.

Let me share the brief but insightful lines from the article:

"When Ice needs to get someplace quick, he pulls out the keys to his custom convertible NSX, which he dubs the 'Time Machine.' According to Ice, the NSX is the best sports car on the market. And he makes his determination based on experience. He was pushing a primed 930 Porsche when he met his girl Darlene, and he's had a Ferrari, but the NSX is the easiest to drive. 'If you have a (Porsche) Turbo, you wouldn't throw your keys to somebody and say drive, because if you don't know how to drive a Porsche, it will get away from you. An NSX, your Grandmother can drive that thing.'"

Well, I am glad to see the car getting its "Props" from the fellas who can buy whatever the heck they want to. I thought I was bad with 5 cars, but 12 is crazy. I too have driven everything from Ferrari and Porsche to Lamborghini, Viper and Lotus and I do think the NSX is likely one of the most consistently under-rated and under-appreciated cars in the world. The worlds doesn't know what they are missing.

Gordon G. Miller, III
Y2K NSX #51 Yellow/Black
You are certainly correct, G-Man. My fantasy trip through "autoland" began in the 60's with such cars as a Royal Bobcat GTO, L-88 Corvette, Yenko Z-51 and Olds 442-W30. More recently, I include Porsche (930 & C2 Turbos), ZR-1, RT/10, M5, M3 and NSX AMONG the 17 cars owned/leased since 1984. The NSX had an inherent "goodness" well above all the rest. Retirement (@ age 50) forced an end to this wonderful foolishness. I did, however, purchase ONE car as my long-term partner. An NSX, of course!
Listening to you guys list the cars/nice cars/REALLY nice cars, you have had over the years just blows me away.
I need to figure out whatever you people did to make that money. My not quite so glorious history of cars consists of something like
-'89 Ford Probe LX 2.2L (stolen)
-'91 Daihatsu Charade 1.0L (blew up when I tried to exceed 65mph)
-'98 Ford Mustang Cobra (broke every week due to transmission/engine/linkage/clutch/exhaust/
poor build quality problems.
-'77 Toyota Celica Hatchback blew up when timing belt gave away.
'92 Ford Ranger (has coolant problems, and smells of dead fish in cab)
and '91 NSX (wonderful car, needs expensive new clutch )
I think all the cars I've ever owned added up in value wouldn't add up to even ONE of you guys Ferrari's or Porsche's. Absolutely amazing. All I can say is Right on guys, I hope to be where you are someday!!! And umm..I'm up for adoption...if any of you are looking to pass on your estates to a newly adopted son.
Originally posted by Edo:
Listening to you guys list the cars/nice cars/REALLY nice cars, you have had over the years just blows me away.
I need to figure out whatever you people did to make that money

Well, you don't have to be a rocket scientist to figure out that Dr. Z likely made his fortunes tending to the sick in CA in the pre-HMO days. Now MDs make money from HMO providers by denying or delaying care. We all on this list I am sure made our money the old fashioned way, we earned it by working hard. Must "Trust Funders" will normally opt for a high visibilty choice like a Porsche or Ferrari. Nothing against you guys (or girls) that have money handed to you, just not always as careful to scrutinze where it goes in the purchase of a car. My modest fortune so far comes from my pioneering efforts in the Internet and Multimedia arena.

As to the string of cars I have had, most were quite resonable. 16 cars in 20 years, 8 cars in the last 5 years. As to all the exotics on my list, I said I had "DRIVEN" them all, I never said I owned them all. It helps to have friends with money. Also, the people at Beverly Hills Auto Rental can be quite accomodating for $400 per day. (Thanks Steve)

Anyway, I researched this almost $100K purchase of my 2000 NSX for over 6 months. Read EVERYTHING... and drove EVERYTHING. I still think the Porsche 993 or new Turbo is a really fine choice... a heck of a lot better than the seriously overrated Ferrari 355. Beautiful car, but can really bite you in the ass if you let it get away from you.

But Edo, take comfort in the fact that unlike many other groups, the NSX clubs don't discriminate between 20 something Internet weenies who buy a used 91 for $25K from the guys in their 50s who just plunked down mountains of cash to buy one of the new ones. That is what I like about this group.
Don't try that at PCA or BMWCCA.

Gordon G. Miller, III
Y2K NSX #51 Yellow/Black
Hey..I'm not a 20 something internet weenie who plunked down 25K.

I had to just about quit eating for 2 years to be able to plunk down 35K. And I am still on the verge of being homeless because of this car. Its very *Tough* for someone my age to forego the stereo's, new clothes, and DVD players that everyone else has. and its very difficult to deal with the ridicule you get for not having all these things, for 2 years just so you can buy a car that no one even believes you will ever get.
Now for you veterans of life, maybe these things are just minor inconveniences, but someone like me this is one of my first major accomplishments in life and I am proud of it.
I can only assume that most of you think Mommy and daddy bought spoiled little rich son the car, but such is not the case.
So quit calling us..or at least me an "internet weenie"
All in good fun of course
Ok, before I get slammed by everyone under 50 who did not make money on the Internet, let me apologize for my clearly tounge-in-cheek depiction of the 20-somethings out there, I just want to say it was all in good fun.

As to Edo who is about to find that living in your car is bad enough, but living in your NSX is no fun at all... all I can say is that it is NEVER the cost of the car that should be the issue, but the cost to keep it. That is the #1 reason that I didn't buy a Ferrari or a Lamborghini. The car was bad enough at $130K+, but $5,000 for what I consier to be routine maintenance that normally costs $150 is just plain stupid.

I am sorry if there are those of you out there who have made the sacrifice and then ultimately relized that as good as the car is, it is still just a car, and that there ARE more important things out there to spend your time and money on. I don't recommend anyone living beyond their means just to own an NSX, it will just eventually prove to be NOT WORTH IT.

As far as the sacrifices out there, I hope you don't think that those of us who plunked down large sums of cash for new ones didn't sacrifice just as much if not more along the way. I have worked 14-18 hours days for 15 years without more than 3 days off in a row in 10 years. I am sure there are others out there like me who sacrificed even more important things along the way other than material things, things like time with family, time with loved ones, etc.

I think Edo, you are a bit too focused on the material things. You are only concerned about the material things like DVDs and clothes. You are also clearly a vicitm of bowing to peer pressure to "prove" you could buy an NSX when your friends didn't think you could. My father always said "Better be careful what you ask for, because you just might get it". And so you have. Now unfortunately on the verge of being homeless, all because of your focus on material things like the NSX.

I do wish you well with you dilemna, but you are young still and as long as you have learned something from all this, then it will have been worth it.

As the other old saying goes, "It is a shame the youth is wasted on the young".

Gordon G. Miller, III
Y2K NSX #51 Yellow/Black
Originally posted by Edo:
Listening to you guys list the cars/nice cars/REALLY nice cars, you have had over the years just blows me away.

For an alternate datapoint, here's my previous cars:

1967 VW Bug (Engine melted)
1973 Toyota Corolla (Blown Head Gasket)
1972 Toyota Corolla (Another blown headgasket)
1969 VW Bug (Transmission failed)

(Note: total resale value of above four cars was less than $200.)

1987 Honda CRX Si -- bought it new when the last Bug died. Still got it -- I've kicked its ass for 150,000 miles, and it won't die. The thing is bulletproof.

1995 Acura Integra -- The "Family" car; the only car I got that'll take a <a href="">baby</a> seat.

1994 NSX

-Bob ('94 NSX #496)
Since we are all giving the rundown, I will see what I can do to dispell all the myths:

01) 1966 Ford Thunderbird
02) 1980 Datsun 200SX
03) 1981 Datsun 280ZX Turbo (Wicked Fast!)
04) 1977 BMW 530i
05) 1972 Datsun 240Z (Bob Sharp SCCA Race Prepared) 8 years! I loved that car.
06) 1980 Chrysler K-car
07) 1987 Kawasaki 500 Ninja
08) 1993 Ford Probe GT (Best car Ford Ever let Mazda build for them)

09) 1995 BMW 325i Convertible (M Modifications)
10) 1997 Isuzu Rodeo
11) 1989 BMW 750iL (V-12)
12) 1998 BMW 740i
13) 1999 Mazda Miata Sport (Handles like it is on rails!)
14) 2000 Acura NSX-T
and as of today...
15) 1981 Porsche 911SC Euro Spec Turbo Conversion.
Vintage Club Racing anyone?

So there you have it. My secret is out. While I have driven a lot of cars, my personal list of cars that took money out of my pocket is still quite modest. For only driving for 20 years, the first 15 was pretty boring. I have been making up for lost time for sure, but don't hold that against me.
All the cars together for the first 15 years don't even add up to one of my average purchases these days.

At the end of the day, a car is still just a car and they ALL with a few RARE exceptions are all worth less when we get rid of them than when we bought them and if they are worth more, then every mile we drive them makes them worth even less. That is a shame. With the exception of a few pieces of junk along the way, I have enjoyed every car. And with an average sale price over 15 years of only $3,500 per year on cars, I don't think that is too out of whack with reality. The fact I spend that much right now per MONTH on all my cars, seems to indicate a "shift" in priorities.

Gordon G. Miller, III
Y2K NSX #51 Yellow/Black
WOW!! What a weekend!!
Thanks to Edo for giving me my first ride in a NSX!
I can vouch for Edo and the hard work/sacrifice he has put into obtaining his NSX. He was determined to purchase the car AND he did it. I don't know of any other guys his age, be able to do what he did. He received no outside help, he saved the money by himself. No, he doesn't have a DVD player, fancy clothes, etc.. instead he has something that took even more sacrifice to attain. 35K isn't easy to come by. Yes, a car is only a material thing, but so is everything else around us. To me, my family, career is a lot more important and I know this is the same for Edo.
Cheers to Edo! Thanks for sharing your hard work ethic/attaining goals purchased NSX with me.
Originally posted by wish4nsx:
Cheers to Edo! Thanks for sharing your hard work ethic/attaining goals purchased NSX with me.

Agreed. I admire the kind of hard work and dedication that it takes to save that kind of money. Kudos to you Edo for working hard to realize your dreams. It is that kind of dedication and determination that is so lacking in many people these days that will likely be the downfall of what is left of this once great society. My hats off to you buddy!

Gordon G. Miller, III
Y2K NSX #51 Yellow/Black
Just to add my two cents to the mix, I wouldn't have considered buying an NSX, let alone a NEW one, if I didn't think I could afford the cost of owning such a car.

I've wanted one badly for the past ten years, but didn't even think seriously about buying one (new or used) until the past year, when I finally had earned / saved enough to justify all of the costs of ownership.

Like G-Man, earning this money came at a great cost of my time and energy. 80+ hour weeks were not fact, for years they were the norm. I'm a 20-something, but no Internet weenie. Affording an NSX didn't come easy or quick, but I didn't compromise my lifestyle to get one either (don't ask me about my DVD collection).

Still, I'd like to think part of the reason I was able to afford the car was because of how modest my previous vehicles were.

My 2000 NSX-T is my first NEW car. The only other cars I've owned (a '79 Celica and an '88 Celica) were not only acquired used, but were handed down to me. I drove each of them for years before deciding that the amount of work needed to keep them running had started to needlessly eat into my ability to buy my dream car.

I have to admit that I REALLY enjoy the pride of owning a 2000 NSX, perhaps even sweeter because I can say my first new car is indeed my dream car

--akira3D ('00 NSX-T red/black #113)
"Reality is better than the dream..."

[This message has been edited by akira3d (edited 19 June 2000).]
Akira3D, I am feeling the love in the room now buddy.

I have to admit that I just bought my 2000 NSX so that Lud would post me as Picture of the Month.

<its a joke>
Unfortunately, I am now realizing that the cost of "buying" a car and the cost of "owning" a car are 2 very different things. After shuffling out large amounts of money for seemingly "Routine" maintenance, I have learned that the NSX is not in fact out of my ability to "own" (The homeless thing was a metaphor). But in "buying" the NSX I stretched myself a bit thin and a was not quite prepared for the amount of money it costs to maintain one. It probably didnt help that mine had 52K miles on it and was at about the time when it needed a large amount of parts replacements. Again, this is all in good fun, but G-man, please dont "judge" me as being too materialistic. What you view as materialistic may in actuality be a true deep seated love and enthusiasm for cars. As you and several others mentioned, its this passion for SOMETHING in life whether it be cars, or money or just life in general that is the heartbeat of this country. Sadly, when looking at my (20 something internet weenie) peers, it looks to me as if the heartbeat is starting to falter.
Originally posted by Edo:
As you and several others mentioned, its this passion for SOMETHING in life whether it be... that is the heartbeat of this country. Sadly, when looking at my (20 something internet weenie) peers, it looks to me as if the heartbeat is starting to falter.

Edo, I couldn't have said it better myself. I realize that it is not for anyone to judge what someone feels passionately about so keep the dream alive buddy. I do however agree that the flame is all but burned out in most people out there. Hang in there.

Maybe we should start a relief fund for pre 1995 NSX owners.
I know that the 1981 Porsche 911SC that I am looking at buying needs $5,000 worth of work before I can even drive it home! Yikes. Good thing it only cost me $13,000 for the car.

Gordon G. Miller, III
Y2K NSX #51 Yellow/Black

[This message has been edited by G-man (edited 19 June 2000).]
I don't care too much about many material things in life, but I do 100% believe that I will get an NSX within the next 2 or 3 years. I believe it's a the pinnacle of a young man's life if he gets to own a exotic sports car like an NSX when he's young. Life is too short not to have fun, and sometimes having fun in life means plunking down 28K for a 92 white NSX, automatic........
Originally posted by NSXdreamer:
I believe it's a the pinnacle of a young man's life if he gets to own a exotic sports car like an NSX when he's young. Life is too short not to have fun.

Well, speaking from experience, I still think it is better to be dating a drop dead gorgeous professional model at 20 than buying the exotic car. She falls apart at a much slower rate, costs about the same per mile and sometimes even more demanding to drive consistently well, but she doesn't loose her value as fast and your friends should all know what she is without asking, even from 50 ft away.

In the end they are both too high maintenance to justify a long term relationship with either one... but the memories of both are VERY sweet indeed.

Gordon G. Miller, III
Y2K NSX #51 Yellow/Black

[This message has been edited by G-man (edited 19 June 2000).]
Originally posted by G-man:
1) 1997 Mercedes Benz S 600 (now, we all know you can show your face around the 'hood if you don't have a black Benz with 20" wheels and a V-12 so he has that covered, even just bought a new 2000 model to replace this one.

Not too long ago I've visited my friends stereo shop and they were working on his 97 S600 for major upgrades. And his license plate read "PMPNESY", I guess it meant "pimpin aint easy".

[This message has been edited by Jay (edited 19 June 2000).]
Originally posted by NSXdreamer:
I don't care too much about many material things in life, but I do 100% believe that I will get an NSX within the next 2 or 3 years. I believe it's a the pinnacle of a young man's life if he gets to own a exotic sports car like an NSX when he's young. Life is too short not to have fun, and sometimes having fun in life means plunking down 28K for a 92 white NSX, automatic........

Hey man, Right ON!! Thats exactly what I should have said..without out all that useless dribble I posted earlier. And I'm um..all for the pre '95 owner relief fund. Not that I'm in need of any money or anything..but ah..I have a kidney for sale..strictly under the table of course...
{Hey man, Right ON!! Thats exactly what I should have said..without out all that useless dribble I posted earlier. And I'm um..all for the pre '95 owner relief fund. Not that I'm in need of any money or anything..but ah..I have a kidney for sale..strictly under the table of course...}

Me too, will sell body parts for unlimited access to Comptech's warehouse (esp Supercharger : )
I think there are quite a few Internet weenies on this list. I think I should speak for some of them and say that not all of us are techies stretching our budgets.

I work very hard and made a purchase within my financial comfort zone.

And G-Man, you can date beautiful models WITH your NSX and do it all in your early twenties! Especially if part of your clients ask you to hire and photograph models.
Originally posted by JChoice:
you can date beautiful models WITH your NSX and do it all in your early twenties! Especially if part of your clients ask you to hire and photograph models.

Hey, I wanna quit work and tote your photo gear around.

I also withdraw my earlier characterization of 20 somethings that own an NSX as an Internet Weenie.
I am 35 and I am Internet Weenie... and certainly not living beyond my means. (yet)
Hey me you need a Photo gear caddy?
And..can someone define "Internet Weenie" for me? I get the general idea...just not the *exact* meaning...
Congratulations Edo!!!!!!! I, too, know the incredible feeling of chasing and attaining a dream. By the way, G-Man, I need to address some of your comments as asked of me by a few members. While you attempt to sound genuine in your advice and commentary, you continue to lace your dialogue with sarcasm and boastful undertones. An increasing amount of readers have told me that you are consistently stealing their sense of accomplishment by subtly suggesting their inferiority for buying less than new NSX's. By factoring age into their decision-making ability when you are clearly only 35 yrs. young yourself. You are not superior. I'm sorry to even spend this time writing this, but it needed to be said. Gordon, this is not a personal shot at you, however it sounds. It is only written by multiple request so that maybe we can all commend other NSXers, whatever choices they make. And, not to use every thread or forum as an excuse to further boast your abilities and accomplishments.

91 Black/Ivory
98 Yellow/Black