convertible in southlake, tx

A chopped up car with a top that probably leaks and won't work eventually, NOS and "LOOKS LIKE A FERRARI"...

"looks" like something you should stay away from.

If you want a "convertible" NSX just settle for a T. I would stay away from any chop job convertible NSX period.

Obviously the car wasn't babied with a bottle of NOS.

For that price, there are many fish in the sea.
I believe that this is the same car that was listed on ebay a little over a year ago. I contacted the current owner out of curiosity, only to receive no answers regarding my questions about the car. He did send me an unsolicited time share info packet however. After a second attempt he did let me know a few things.
The top is missing its weather seals. The same was true of the ebay vehicle. I think that newport convertibles in california did the conversion. Newport does not sell the weather stripping and would not replace them. The current owner has removed the top from the car and must only use it in good weather.
Make sure that you read the part in the faq here on prime about the convertible conversions and the concerns about the structural integrity/safety of the car. I hope this helps.