I know its difficult to cut through all the information available on tires. I try using Primary Sources (first hand knowledge) against advertising which is heavily biased.
Second hand information that is made to look like primary source is also unreliable which would be testimonials. Tire rack is great at this as is the internet in giving "ratings" from buyers. But it is rarely your car and your exact tire.
It now appears you have buyers remorse and we all have been there. When the factory specs a tire for a specific model it's like getting a hand made suit vs. one off the rack. A tire engineer and a suspension engineer have worked together to get a desired result for a specific vehicle. So when Acura published that the Conti6 is two seconds a lap faster for a street tire they have obviously spend a huge amount of R&D on the product. Why try and reinvent the wheel (tire).
I couldn't help but think of the Grail Knight's quote in the Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade "he chose poorly" when you went with the Michelins.
But thank you for starting this interesting thread.
Jimmy aka sled driver