Considering 1991-1993 NSX Driver Height?

9 December 2004
in Illinois (but across the river from Iowa).
I've been considering buying a nsx. Thanks to this forum I've learned a lot. It has really been helpful.

I basically have my choices down to a 1999-2000 corvette or a 1991-1993 higher mileage NSX.

I haven't been able to find a nsx for sale in my area or nearby by to see one up close. Just wondering are there any driver height issues in the 1991-1993 NSX's?
I'm 6'4". As that would definitely limit me to a certain year(s).

Thanks for any info.
I'm 6'1" and have a '92. I still have headroom and also more room the move the seat back for legroom. I think you should be fine. If you wish to track the car and need a may not work for you unless you modify the seat.
BTW, my car is currently for sale.
JCFILM said:
I haven't been able to find a nsx for sale in my area or nearby by to see one up close.
If you fill in the Location in your NSXprime profile, it will show up next to your posts, and may result in an offer from an owner in your area to get together.
I'm 6'3", 190lbs, and fit just fine. The passenger side has less room, though. My brother is 6'5", 225lbs, and he has only minor trouble fitting in the driver's side. The only problem is that the "bubble" for the driver's head doesn't extend far enough back to the rear glass, thus if you lean your head back, you can hit your head on the edge of that. However, you don't hit you head at normal driving position. I would not be able to drive it with a helmet on very comfortably, though. Legroom is not a problem for either of us. You would certainly be able to drive it, but you'd have to see if the roof bubble annoyed you. I don't know what's behind it, but it's only made of plastic, so you may be able to either remove or modify the plastic headliner to eliminate the problem.

BTW, my car is a '91.

Good luck
I have a friend that is 6'7 and about 250-260 or so. I was going to let him drive my car and it was like fitting in a sardine can. Absolutely not enough room for him to fit.
nsxtasy said:
If you fill in the Location in your NSXprime profile, it will show up next to your posts, and may result in an offer from an owner in your area to get together.

Thanks for the advice - I've done that now.

Appreciate all the info from everyone else. Sounds like I should be ok - as I wouldn't be taking the car to a track so no need for a helmet.

JCFILM said:
Thanks for the advice - I've done that now.
I don't know offhand of anyone in Quad Cities offhand, but skyguy is in Des Moines, and we've got a bunch of owners here in the Chicago area - let me know if you find yourself coming to town (even better if it's not winter, when most of our cars are in storage).
I'm 6'4" and fit ok. I simply take off a hat, if I have one on. I even managed to jiggle the seat -- set it more forward than usual, and racked the seat back lower than usual, and got myself with helmet in it for a track day.

Remember to reset your ourside mirrors if you do this!

The mention of the cutouts in the roof is right-on. I've considered trying to modify this, but I do want to leave the car as stock as possible.

Good luck. This is an issue, but it can be overcome.

nsxtasy said:
I don't know offhand of anyone in Quad Cities offhand, but skyguy is in Des Moines, and we've got a bunch of owners here in the Chicago area - let me know if you find yourself coming to town (even better if it's not winter, when most of our cars are in storage).

Thanks - appreciated.

I'm figuring Chicago is probably going to my best bet to find one.

Did see one here in the quad cities for sale a couple of years ago. a red '94 with about 45,000 miles. Looked perfect. Dealer wanted $30,000. Out of curiousity I went over to take a closer look and it was gone - the NSX lasted about 24 hours on the lot and then it was sold.

I'm looking at the online ads now for them as well as for the corvettes. Planning on a purchase next month. It probably will boil down to which car pops up first and catches my eye in the right condition at the right price in March.

I'm around 6' tall but a bit on the heavy side. I just got an '05 NSX-T and can barely get any head clearance after adjusting the seat into various positions. I've been told if I drop some weight I could conceivably gain about a half an inch in head room. I'm already on my way to doing that, but in the mean time, besides removing the seat pad or changing out seats, are there any other tricks to picking up some more head room?

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I am 6 feet tall and fit fine in the OEM seats. I would imagine that you may have to do some seat modifications as other have said, since you are taller than me.