Computer help needed: Communication stuff

4 September 2003
Okay, need some help here. I can't keep spending money on calling cards and cell phone bills are just too high. Does anyone know of a good program to use a headset over the computer like a normal phone? I have the headset and all but my other problem is that I think I'm behind some proxy server here at my school. Anyone know a way to get around this? I really would like a better option than spending $100 on phone bills and cards a month. Some come on your computer gurus, give me a hand here. Thanks, take care.

It's not exactly what you said you're looking for, but have you considered a VoIP service, such as Vonage or AT&T CallVantage? VoIP stands for voice-over-IP, which allows a normal phone to work over a broadband internet connection, without a computer.
There are many free programs that allow you to chat over the internet (Yahoo! Messenger, MSN Messenger, etc.). The problem is your school's proxy server. To get around that issue, you can:

1) ask your school network administrator to open up the relevant ports used by your voice chat application, or

2) use some kind of HTTP tunneling software, such as HTTPort (free, but requires your buddy-who isn't behind a proxy, hopefully-to set up a remote host), or HTTP-Tunnel (fee based), or Hopster (fee based). These are just the ones I came up with, I'm sure you'll find others if you search hard enough.

Good luck.

Thanks for the help so far, that gets me going in the right direction. When you said that the other person would have to setup a remote host, is that difficult to do? I'm not too terribly computer inclined but I know a little. If the remote host isn't that difficult to do, this would make life much easier. Thanks again for the advice.

Conor, I assume you've already tried to run your chat app and encountered the proxy problem. If you haven't, I suggest that you give it a try - who knows, maybe your school's network administrator has kindly left the port open specifically for this purpose.

As far as setting up the HTTHost, I guess the difficulty level depends on how computer literate your friend is. I read the instructions that are included with the software (you'll want the HTTHost personal edition version BTW, currently at v1.8.0), and would probably have to play with the software to get it to work. You could always try it (I mean, what do you have to lose), and see if it runs out of the box with minimal configuration. They do have a support forum if you encounter trouble.

Don't forget you need the HTTPort client software on your PC to be able to connect to the remote HTTHost.

Just thought I'd mention Skype. I ran across it the other day, and it claims to work through firewalls with no configuration required.

Please give us an update if any of the suggestions worked for you, or if you found another solution.