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Comptech Headers

!! I'm calling tomorrow!!

1994 Green-black roof/tan, 5 speed
Do you know of another Green-Black roof NSX?? Please email me if you do.
Wow! That's a great price. Hope you guys have A LOT in stock.

I'm calling right now.
Just ordered my set for the track rat! What a deal. Thanks so much Susan and Gaylon!


Gary Yates
1995 Red/Tan
1992 White/Black
2002 Red and White Cooper S
I ordered my first thing this morning!! Thank you very much Susan and Gaylon! I've been putting off buying Comptech headers because of the price. Now you've answered my wishes with a great price and nice service! Man, wish you were closer, I'd give you all my business!

1994 Green-black roof/tan, 5 speed
Do you know of another Green-Black roof NSX?? Please email me if you do.
Mine are on their way!!!!!!!!!!
Drop shipped directly from Comptech too, only $18 shipping!
Fabulous deal, thanks to Susan for alerting us & to Goodson for the opportunity.
You guys must have gotten the last ones b/c mine will be at Goodson around Wednesday of next week. I don't know why Gaylon couldn't get mine drop shipped from Comptech but I'm not complaining. $1200 bones is a good buy and only $18 bones shipping too.

Lucky dogs.
Originally posted by Ponyboy:
I don't know why Gaylon couldn't get mine drop shipped from Comptech but I'm not complaining.

I'm only about 75 miles from Comptech - didn't make sense to go all the way from CA to TX to come back to CA again.

I'm not sure if they were ever "in stock" at Goodson, but I don't care either!!
make that 5!

Talked to Steve, he was very helpful and nice. Took 5 Min, and $1200 later. I will be expecting my drop shipped to my door by next wed.

It will be a good christmas
Got mine in too! Gonna send them to Jet-Hot tomorrow. Hopefully I get them back before Christmas. Will take before and after pics and post. Happy holidays!

Pics of the headers <a href="http://www.imagestation.com/album/?id=4291005761">here</a>!

1994 Green-black roof/tan, 5 speed
Do you know of another Green-Black roof NSX?? Please email me if you do.

[This message has been edited by Litesokneecough (edited 11 December 2002).]
Originally posted by Litesokneecough:
Got mine in too! Gonna send them to Jet-Hot tomorrow.

You might want to call Comptech and see if JetHot coating voids the warranty. I seem to remember that it does. A phone call would set my mind at ease.
1-888-626-6783 if you didn't already have it.
Already done! Coating will only protect the headers and extend the life, help keep the engine compartment cooler and maybe even get an extra 1 or 2 HP.

1994 Green-black roof/tan, 5 speed
Do you know of another Green-Black roof NSX?? Please email me if you do.
What is there to go wrong on a header? I guess the welds could come apart, but is that something that is common withing a year? I am all for not voiding warranties, but to me this is like the clutch warranty, how often will you actually use it?

Gary Yates
1995 Red/Tan Boooleevard Cruzer
1992 White/Black Track Rat
2002 Red and White Cooper S - for sale, please inquire
My Bad!

Just got off the phone to Comptech and they would not warranty the headers if they are modified in any way, including Jet-Hot coating.

My previous post stemmed from an earlier email from Science of Speed on the same subject. I was interested in purchasing headers from SOS and asked about the Jet-Hot coating. They asked my why I would want to coat the headers. I told them about the benefits of the ceramic coating and they were concerned about the fact that the headers were made of Stainless Steel. I asked Jet-Hot about the use of their product on Stainless Steel and Jet-Hot replied the coating works best with Stainless. Anyway, I was assuming SOS had no problems with the use of Jet-Hot, and maybe they don't, but Comptech does. Since Comptech provides the warranty, I'll take no chances and just wait for a year, when the warranty has expired to have the headers coated.

I hope all of that makes sense. Well, at least I won't have to wait to install them. I'll get started tonight!

Night 1: Got started late (7:30pm) but did manage to remove the exhaust and cats. One cat was stuck to the muffler pipe but with a little finesse, came loose. Looking forward to replacing the exhaust (muffler) as the stock unit is pretty heavy. The Taitec lightwight exhaust should be here next Friday I hope. Anyway, no problems so far.

Night 2: Removed the rear exhaust manifold. Ran into a little trouble with figuring out how to get the box end wrench over the Oxygen sensor. At first I tried removing the sensor with a crows foot but the foot just expanded to the point where it would slip over the nut part of the sensor. I was thinking I could just cut the wires and then solder them back when finished, but I decided to call my neighbor for a second opinion.

He showed me how to remove the connector without damaging the wires (easy when you know how!). With the connector removed, and using a box end, the sensor didn't put up much of a fight.

Started removal of some of the items to get the front manifold off. Should have everything removed by tomorrow. I'm glad the heat shields aren't going back on as they are the biggest pain of the project so far. Oh yeah, not a glitch with removing the manifold nuts. Easy as pie.

1994 Green-black roof/tan, 5 speed
Do you know of another Green-Black roof NSX?? Please email me if you do.

[This message has been edited by Litesokneecough (edited 13 December 2002).]
Originally posted by Litesokneecough:
.....Well, at least I won't have to wait to install them. I'll get started tonight!

OK Greg - you're starting tonight, mine is starting tomorrow afternoon - let's see who's is done first!

Seriously, sincere good luck with that - overcoming the challenge is part of the fun & I know you will be satisfied when it is complete.
On the warranty, I understand CT's persepctive, but agree with our veterinary friend
that failure is probably unlikely.
So, never mind, you get to have that much again next year!
Bad news for me. I guess I couldn't get the killer deal like all you other California guys did. Talked to Gaylon personally and he was very strict and said that I will be charged Calif. sales tax (8.25%) on the purchase plus the $18.50 shipping which will bring the total to $1,317.50 otherwise he will charge me $40 plus another $40 for shipping to have Comptech ship the headers to Texas and then from Texas back to California and that would make it $1,280. I guess that is still not a bad deal but I feel a little cheated as others got away without paying for the tax. You lucky guys!
Originally posted by Litespeeds:
Bad news for me. I guess I couldn't get the killer deal like all you other California guys did. Talked to Gaylon personally and he was very strict and said that I will be charged Calif. sales tax (8.25%) on the purchase plus the $18.50 shipping which will bring the total to $1,317.50 otherwise he will charge me $40 plus another $40 for shipping to have Comptech ship the headers to Texas and then from Texas back to California and that would make it $1,280. I guess that is still not a bad deal but I feel a little cheated as others got away without paying for the tax. You lucky guys!

That is NOT what Steve from Goodson Acura told me when I specifically asked him the same excat question, and I am only 25 minutes away from Comptech ....

You are buying the item from Goodson Acura where the retail sales is occuring; since Goodson does not have a retail license or outlet in California they cannot add a sales tax/charge, and even then, the sales tax is not 8.25%. Shipment is occuring from their "distributor" which happens to be in California.

Am I missing something?

[This message has been edited by Hrant (edited 12 December 2002).]
Gaylon called me yesterday and told me the news about having to charge me California sales tax. I agreed because I've ordered items over the Internet from companies NOT in California, but since the item was shipped from California, sales tax was applied. It's still a great deal no matter how you look at it. Installation will continue tonight with a brief pause for "Friends" (if it's not a rerun

1994 Green-black roof/tan, 5 speed
Do you know of another Green-Black roof NSX?? Please email me if you do.
I'll have to agree with Litesokneecough above, Steve called me and told me same thing. Even though we purchased the item through Goodson, but the item is being shipped from CA, thus sales tax apply. Price went up $75 for tax.

I am still waiting for mine to come in the mail, although it was said that it should've been here yesterday.

[This message has been edited by SilverOne (edited 12 December 2002).]