Comparing F355 w/ NSX :)


I thought this thread would focus more on perf. than who has the higher upkeep (

Either way - last week I was at symbolic motors here in LaJolla test-driving a 02 NSX and a 99 F355GTS. It was the second drive of a 355 (last time was 1996). I just wanted to pipe up that while the 355 had a high r/l the engine sounded best when the exhuast would crackle/pop on lift off of the gas. Maybe it was unfair but the nsx there had a comptech exhaust on it. The car soundedreally sweet. Not nearly as *exotic* as the 355 - but better, more bass - less treble. Interestinly - the X felt FASTER by my butt-meter. Handling was about the same - although I did get the salesbitch's attention by getting the 355 into a easily correctable (opp lock) oversteer induced 4 wheel drift. Although the correction was a reflex - I can imaagine how the car could appear to have its own mind regarding traction.

The X was blissful in its handling. Totally stuck down. At 73K the dealer was a retard - ensuring his X will not be mine. Worse still - he wanted 115K for a 99 GTS w/ 1700 miles. We all know that this car did a lot of sitting and was due for a 30K svc - which is ~ $8K. Apparently - the engine must be removed from the car to do any svc - even a valve adjustment.

So here comes the real shocker

The 360M. I havent driven one yet - it was late in the day, but the ergos and comfort factor are way better than the 355 and X combined. 30K svc is rumoured only $1500 as it maybe done inside the car.

Given a choice I'd buy the 02 X over a similarly priced 355 b/c of the maint issues and the fact that IMO the X >>> 355. However - w/ an extra $80K in my pocket,....360M is the way to go!!
My 2 cents:

With the mods I have on my NSX, I wouldn't consider the F355 much of an upgrade. I do consider the F360 a big upgrade and that's what I have my eye on. I figure they'll be in the 110k - 125k range for a good one in a year or two.
yeah...thats a fair estimate.

W/ the 430 out - the 360 will deprec a lil more.

Either way, Quantum leap in quality from the 348 to 355 (ferrari post NSX (see I did it correction ken)!) Followed by yet another quantum leap in the 355 to 360. You really have to respect ferrari's commitment and engineering.

The 550/575 was really cool as well. God that thing smelled like a herd of kobay beef left their hides in the car 5 minutes ago...
nsx2000 said:
Mine has Tubi exhaust. The Challenge exhaust is too loud for Hong Kong city use.

That car is absolutely beautiful. Now get away from the computer and go drive it. :biggrin:
spookyp said:
ONLY Ferrari is like this. NO OTHER CAR is like this.

Lamborghinis are also like this. A Diablo will cost around $300 for an oil change and around $4k for the 15,000 mile service. The clutch on a Diablo will cost around $5k as the engine must be removed to replace the clutch. And with all this, you get a car that has 492 hp and an 8500 rpm redline, 0-60 in around 3.8 seconds, and the quarter mile in 12 seconds.

BTW, I still have a little more than a year left on my NSX lease, but now that I have a second car as my daily driver and I'm no longer putting the same amount of mileage on my NSX, I've been looking into the posibility of getting either a late 90s F355 or an early 90s Diablo after I give back the NSX. :biggrin: