Comic Relief

31 October 2003
In the left lane, naturally
A local dealer has a 2004 Z06 with 400 miles for sale for $45,995, so I cruise out there in my NSX today to take a look. I get a rookie sales person who knows significantly less than me, but that's okay, since I just want to drive it anyway.

After the test drive, he asks the golden question: "What will it take to put you in this baby today?"

Me: It will take a miracle.

Salesboy: Let me work on it for you real quick.

Me: You can work on a miracle?

Salesboy: Let me see what my GSM (general sales manager, as he explained to me, as if I couldn't figure that out) can do.

Me: I have 5 minutes - let's see what you can do.

GSM: Hi, I understand you're interested in this beautiful Corvette.

Me: It sure is nice.

GSM: Tell you what....I'll take your NSX and $27,000, and you can drive it home tonight.

Me: That sure would be a heck of a deal.

GSM: Yeah, we don't get too many of those in here, but it is a pretty nice car.

Me: Yeah, I like it. I'll tell you what - when you figure out that I'm not your typical rube who knows absolutely nothing about the value of their own car, maybe we can talk. As it is, you are insulting me.

GSM: I don't mean to insult you, but this Vette stickers at $57k.

Me: Actually, it stickers at $53k, it isn't "new" anymore anyway, and my car stickers at $90k.

GSM: Well, we have to start somewhere to negotiate.

Me: So far, all I've figured is that you would like to give me $18k for my car and charge me $45k for yours. Here's a better deal - I will buy every NSX you can find for $18k, guaranteed.

GSM: What do you figure your car is worth?

Me: It's worth $18k to you and a lot more to me. Time for me to go.

Salesboy: Wait - maybe I can get something worked out...please!!!!

And this sad episode concludes with me driving my NSX home, which I planned on doing anyway. I just thought it was humorous that he tossed out that number in the first place.

Have a great day!

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Then it is all corvette salesmen! When the C5 first came out the salesmen at a local dealership refused to let me drive it, and yes, I drove up in the NSX!
Great Story! What year is your NSX? I had a dealer say mine was worth 18K.. I was like, I can get close to 30 all day for it. CYA.
I kind of had that same problem years ago. I was looking to buy a 5G Prelude. I saw a nice black one at a dealership while leaving work one day. I pulled in and started looking it over. I see a salesman put out his cigarette and come wandering over. He begins to tell me how fast the car is and how the condition is so nice. I proceed to point out dents, scratches, rock chips and 2 bald rear tires. He then tells me that he has another one at a "sister" dealership down the street. I unwillingly go with him to see the other car. He's telling me it was just traded in and it's "suped up". He goes and gets the key to an "awesome car." (his words. not mine) He comes out and hops in a green/tan convertible Firebird. It's the V-6 model with the automatic transmission. I even have to wait for this chump to put the top down just to drive down the freaking street. So we are exiting the parking lot when he decides he wants to punch it. He gives the tires a nice little chirp while at the same time curb checking the car HARD. I felt like such a dumbass just being in the same car with him. On the way he tells me how the Firebird is one of his dream cars and if all goes well this month, he may buy one. As if he's hinting that if I buy a car from him today, he might be able to get this Firebird.
Anyway, we get to the other dealership and he shows me a 92 Prelude SI with a coffee can exhaust, what looks like a homemade intake and a VTEC sticker on the back. I tell him it's not a VTEC. We argue for a minute. I finally have to tell him that VTEC's didn't come out until 1993. You can put as many stickers as you want on the car, but it's still not a VTEC.
So we go back to the original dealership where his GM is waiting for me. He tries to sell me an Accord, but that's another story.
A few years later, my fiance and I are going to meet with a photographer to do our engagement pics. We hadn't met the guy, just highly recommended from a friend. We show up at the location and it's that dumbass salesman! He's doing photograpy now. I guess selling cars didn't work out for him. He never recognized me and I should have known better not to trust him. If he can't sell cars, why would I want to have him do our wedding? The pics turned out ok, but we never got the rest of them that we paid for in our package and now we can't find the guy. I guess this goes back to:
You fooled me once. Shame on you.
You fooled me twice. Shame on me.

P.S. He never got the Firebird, but he's now sporting what I can only assume as a late 80's/early 90's baby blue Sentra.
LOL!! Yes, most car salesmen are idiots from what I have experienced. There are exceptions, but they are rare. In my short time on this Earth I have been lucky enough to have owned or driven some of the worlds greatest cars. Here are some highlights from when I went in to see about possible trades to a new toy:

1.) Went to Chevrolet dealer in 1999 to test drive a C5 Corvette. In a moment of stupidity I was thinking trading a 1995 Porsche C4 Cab for the Corvette might just be the thing to do. The salesmen would not even OPEN the Corvette. He just left it locked and said that if I wanted one I would have to buy it first, just like everyone else. Keep in mind, this jacka$$ just watched me pull up in the Porsche worth more than his prized Corvette, yet would not unlock the car. I left, and enjoyed German engineering. Actually, we still have the Porsche after all these years.

2.) Pulled up to Dodge dealer in 1998 driving our 1994 Lotus Esprit S4 and was considering a Viper. I know, I should have been beaten before I went in, but oh well. All the sales guys were sitting aroun staring at each other, and I actually had to TRACK DOWN a salesman on my own!! It was pulling teeth just to get costs and availability for the car and so I left. Sold Lotus and bought a BMW. Dodge could kiss my butt!! :)

3.) Pulled up to an Acura dealer to see about trading my NSX for a newer model. GM told me he did not want to waste the time because there was no market for used NSX's on his lot. WHAT?!?!?! Keep in mind, he had a white Lotus Esprit SE on the lot at the time. Oh my.... :rolleyes:

4.) Went to Chevrolet (again....I know...I know) to try out the new Z06. This car really seemed like the real deal and I was ready to make a deal if they wanted reasonable numbers. This time I was in the NSX, and they STILL would not unlock the car!! All the salesman knew about the car was, ' is really fast, and the brakes are pretty big,' and that was it. Those were seriously his only words!! The guy knew nothing about his flagship car other than that. Yet again I left not understanding the world. :confused:

5.) This one is great. I had already been in my '91 NSX for a few years when I wanted to upgrade to another. I went to the dealer where I had bought and serviced my previous 12 CARS and asked for a newer model NSX. They would not even look for one for me. Keep in mind, I had bought the last 8 out of 10 cars I had them find for me, yet they did not want to invest the time to find me the NSX. (Side note: this same unwillingness to look for an NSX resulted in me buying my '91 elsewhere also.) So I bought the '94 NSX from another dealer and when I went to get service from the first dealer actually had the GM tell me the car was not mine right in front of my mother, who was getting out of the passenger side!! I assured him it was as I had just boght it, yet he still said it was not. Eventually my mother said, 'Excuse me....this is my son's car...if you want to see the check and papers for it, fine. Is there a problem," and that was the end of that. Some dealers just do not learn.

So, yeah. The majority of cars over the past few years I have bought over the phone to save me wasted time. Salespeople at dealerships are idiots, and earn their bad reputations for the most part. :D
LeftLane said:
A local dealer has a 2004 Z06 with 400 miles for sale for $45,995, so I cruise out there in my NSX today to take a look. I get a rookie sales person who knows significantly less than me, but that's okay, since I just want to drive it anyway.

So you are pissed at them even though you admittedly only went there to waste their time?

You need some new hobbies.

Hey, I got it. Have the salesman race your NSX with the Zo6.

He would be in reverse of course.

P.S. I own an NSX and have driven the 405 hp Z06 and believe me, it would be close..
Re: Re: Comic Relief

isellpower said:

So you are pissed at them even though you admittedly only went there to waste their time?

You need some new hobbies.

Hey, I got it. Have the salesman race your NSX with the Zo6.

He would be in reverse of course.

P.S. I own an NSX and have driven the 405 hp Z06 and believe me, it would be close..

Yeah, usually every single person who goes to a dealership buys a car, especially when they are asked to bend over without the courtesy of KY jelly. Heaven forbid I waste a salesperson's time by driving a car they are selling. Maybe I would have considered a trade had they not been completely unaware of current market values, and assumed I was unaware as well.

And yeah, I'm sure the "Z06 in reverse" would be a nice little race. Thanks for contributing.
sniff.. sniff.. you smell that?

It smells like "imaposer" is a troll.

Getting back to dealer stories.. before getting my X, I drove all the way down to San Diego about a year and a half ago to check out a 91 NSX at some dealership. I drove my 97 Lexus. The old guy at the dealership treated me like I was wasting his time and made an excuse that he couldn't find the keys to even let me sit in it..

I know some people that would've drove their cars down there to show him that he lost a sale just for spite but why waste my time.

I had another beautiful experience with Connell Chevrolet in Costa Mesa. The service manager was too busy to stop stuffing his fat face for 2 seconds to answer questions about damage his goons in the service bay made to my vehicle..

Needless to say that these 2 places are on my absolute avoid list.

I wonder sometimes how these people make it as far as they have in their lives..
Re: Re: Re: Comic Relief

LeftLane said:
Yeah, usually every single person who goes to a dealership buys a car, especially when they are asked to bend over without the courtesy of KY jelly. Heaven forbid I waste a salesperson's time by driving a car they are selling. Maybe I would have considered a trade had they not been completely unaware of current market values, and assumed I was unaware as well.

And yeah, I'm sure the "Z06 in reverse" would be a nice little race. Thanks for contributing.
Well put.