Colorado Shooting

26 January 2011
WTF Colorado :mad:! Columbine and this.

All the news I see is blaming "techno music with gunfire in it" and "possession of an assault rifle". All this does is make me want to strap up even more.
WTF Colorado :mad:! Columbine and this.

All the news I see is blaming "techno music with gunfire in it" and "possession of an assault rifle". All this does is make me want to strap up even more.

What are you talking about blaming techno? You need better sources. Poor families.
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So much for the "gun free zone" movie theater:rolleyes:
What are you talking about blaming techno? You need better sources. Poor families.

Huh? Better sources? Is CNN and ABC in your area not talking about how neighbors heard him listening to "techno with gunfire in the background" late at night really loud prior to the attacks? I have heard that several times over here and all the feeds running across the bottom of the screen have either a techno blame or a gun blame in it. Maybe you took it the wrong way. I am not blaming techno, in fact I love electronic music, I think it is ridiculous how people are so quick to jump and place blame on gun ownership or a type of music.
Gun control wont stop a desire to mass murder.

edit: now NBC has an article on how violent the new batman movie is ... so easy to place blame on other things rather than the shooter himself.
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Jeez. :(

I went to the movies last night, not to watch the new Batman film but to see "Ted". There were a lot of cars there, with people going to see the Batman trilogy and the new movie.

There was an article on Yahoo yesterday about death threats to a critic for a negative review of the new Batman movie. What is this world coming to?

R.I.P. to the shooting victims, and condolences to their families. :frown:
The shooter told cops he was the joker Wow what a crazy person. Rest in peace to the shooting victims, and all my condolences to their families. Truly a sad day.
Seems news coverage commentary on things of this nature involve an externalization of blame. Hardly ever is focus on the individual committing the act. Blame everything else under the sun ... expect maybe that the shooter was just a foul human being.
“The rifle itself has no moral stature, since it has no will of its own. Naturally, it may be used by evil men for evil purposes, but there are more good men than evil, and while the latter cannot be persuaded to the path of righteousness by propaganda, they can certainly be corrected by good men with rifles.”

― Jeff Cooper, Art of the Rifle
^^^^^^Exactly, Scorp ^^^^^^^^^^

And if any crook is seeking a gun, he only needs to rifle through enough vehicles (pun intended) parked outside any "gun-free" zone to snitch one.
This is not a "for" or "against" gun issue. This is a case of a clearly deranged person who had full intentions to hurt innocent people. He could have used a gun, or he could have padlocked all the doors and set the theater on fire. Or he could have plowed his car through a crowded farmers market. Or even parked a U-Haul truck full of explosives in front of the building and blew it up. The point is, this event does not bolster the case for or against gun control. It just points out that people with mental issues need to be identified sooner and treated (or controlled) before events like this can happen, if it is possible at all. And if it isn't then we'll just have to accept things like this will happen.
I had two theories when I heard about this at work...

1) he is off-the-reservation crazy and there HAS to be a paper trail of this somewhere at Arkham

2) He is pure evil.

This movie is about good vs. evil, about what is morally right...can batman and gordon make a decision to like about Harvey Dent for the good of the public. About issues of today ...and this guy does this! I wished this happened in texas and I am going for my conceal and carry.
It's really a shame that the police took him into custody while he was still breathing.
Cowards like him deserve to get the death penalty without a trial by our peers. The innocence of our daily lives can never be taken for granted. My heart pours out for everyone who was a victim of this monster. Who would have ever thought that something as simple and enjoyable as going to a movie would result in such carnage. This is another example of why more people need to go out and get a concealed carry license in order to protect yourself from cowards like this a$$hole.

My wife doesn't like it that I always have a firearm on me, but if I had to protect her in a situation like this, and take a bullet myself, I would do so in a heartbeat. I'd rather be judged by 12 than carried by six.
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Cowards like him deserve to get the death penalty without a trial by our peers. The innocence of our daily lives can never be taken for granted. My heart pours out for everyone who was a victim of this monster. Who would have ever thought that something as simple and enjoyable as going to a movie would result in such carnage. This is another example of why more people need to go out and get a concealed carry license in order to protect yourself from cowards like this a$$hole.

My wife doesn't like it that I always have a firearm on me, but if I had to protect her in a situation like this, and take a bullet myself, I would do so in a heartbeat. I'd rather be carried by six than judged by 12.

Really cause you would drop him in one shot, in the dark, and avoid hitting any one else in the chaos.....

EDIT: Who needs a 100 round clip?
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This is not a "for" or "against" gun issue. This is a case of a clearly deranged person who had full intentions to hurt innocent people. He could have used a gun, or he could have padlocked all the doors and set the theater on fire. Or he could have plowed his car through a crowded farmers market. Or even parked a U-Haul truck full of explosives in front of the building and blew it up. The point is, this event does not bolster the case for or against gun control. It just points out that people with mental issues need to be identified sooner and treated (or controlled) before events like this can happen, if it is possible at all. And if it isn't then we'll just have to accept things like this will happen.

Think you expressed this very well.
THREE bomb threats this past week at Detroit-Windsor (ONT) border crossings, + 1 at a ballpark if I recall correctly. Someone(s) seemingly deranged.

I had two theories when I heard about this at work...

1) he is off-the-reservation crazy and there HAS to be a paper trail of this somewhere at Arkham

2) He is pure evil.

This movie is about good vs. evil, about what is morally right...can batman and gordon make a decision to like about Harvey Dent for the good of the public. About issues of today ...and this guy does this! I wished this happened in texas and I am going for my conceal and carry.

It's really a shame that the police took him into custody while he was still breathing.

Well said, Sir. :smile:

Cowards like him deserve to get the death penalty without a trial by our peers. The innocence of our daily lives can never be taken for granted. My heart pours out for everyone who was a victim of this monster. Who would have ever thought that something as simple and enjoyable as going to a movie would result in such carnage. This is another example of why more people need to go out and get a concealed carry license in order to protect yourself from cowards like this a$$hole.

My wife doesn't like it that I always have a firearm on me, but if I had to protect her in a situation like this, and take a bullet myself, I would do so in a heartbeat. I'd rather be carried by six than judged by 12.


A shame.
Really cause you would drop him in one shot, in the dark, and avoid hitting any one else in the chaos.....

EDIT: Who needs a 100 round clip?

I did not say that, did I? Don't try to put words into my mouth. I would simply try to protect myself and my family if I had the opportunity. I've taken tactical self protection courses and I'm not in a position to harm innocent people. However, if this monster was closing in on me I would at least have the ability to protect myself. Obviously with the amount of armour he was wearing he wouldn't be killed easily. However, posing a threat to him would probably save many people from injury or death.

And I agree, who needs a 100rd MAGAZINE. I can carry multiple 15rd magazines on my belt.

BTW, the word "clip" is not used by those of us who are educated in firearms.
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I did not say that, did I? Don't try to put words into my mouth. I would simply try to protect myself and my family if I had the opportunity. I've taken tactical self protection courses and I'm not in a position to harm innocent people. However, if this monster was closing in on me I would at least have the ability to protect myself. Obviously with the amount of armour he was wearing he wouldn't be killed easily. However, posing a threat to him would probably save many people from injury or death.

And I agree, who needs a 100 rd MAGAZINE. The word "clip" is not used by those of us who are educated in firearms.

Again, both of our scenarios are hypothetical. Thank you for the education on guns though.
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Again, both of our scenarios are hypothetical. Thank you for the education on guns though.

Wrong. You have a hypothetical scenario. Do you actually believe that this type of mass murder can't or won't happen. Wake up. What is reality is that I have the ability to protect myself if I'm ever in a place where this is happening. You obviously don't have the same ability. You can either be the sheep or the Shepard. It's obvious which one I am and which one you are.

EDIT: I apologize to the other people who have posted on this thread. The main focus should be on those who were killed, injured, and the family and friends of the aforementioned.
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Wrong. You have a hypothetical scenario. Do you actually believe that this type of mass murder can't or won't happen. Wake up. What is reality is that I have the ability to protect myself if I'm ever in a place where this is happening. You obviously don't have the same ability. You can either be the sheep or the Shepard. It's obvious which one I am and which one you are.

EDIT: I apologize to the other people who have posted on this thread. The main focus should be on those who were killed, injured, and the family and friends of the aforementioned.

As evidenced by the past day event, I am not ignorant to the fact that these do occur. However your belief that adding more shooters and guns into a chaotic scene is the optimal solution shows who is ignorant and who is not ignorant of how guns "solve problems." To which role you assign yourself is purely your opinion.