Color Production #'s for '99-present

1 April 2003
Huntington Beach, CA
Does anybody have the production #'s (how many were produced) of each color for '99-present? I've been watching the FAQ's waiting for an update, but to no avail. If anybody has any info or knows where I can go track it down, please let me know. Thanks in advance.

This question has been asked many times here. Nobody seems to know where to get the information - it's just not available to us on Prime. If you find it, many of us would like to see it. I own a Yellow '99 and I would like to know how many Spa Yellow cars were produced for the US that year.
Well, I'm in the process of researching this now. If/when I ever get any info on this, I'll certainly post it here immediately. If anyone has any ideas on how to gather such info, feel free to speak/type up...... either way, thanks for your effort.

I thought it was as easy as calling acura customer service(national) .
The easy numbers to get are sales numbers by model. They are published all the time.

What is difficult is to get the numbers by MODEL year (vs. the year a car was sold) broken down by color and transmission. This is tracked by their Marketing folks, but I have not been able to get ahold of anyone who would share it for the last several years.

If anyone does get it, please share and I'll update the table in the FAQ right away.