Color of wheel to color of car and choice of wheel

30 May 2003
Hello, I am trying to get feed back from other people on the forum on their taste of wheel color to the color of there car and choice of wheels.

I own a black NSX and I like a wheel / rim to look really good and clean but bad at the same time but not to take away from the car. So when you look at the car, you see the car be for the wheels but the wheels make the package. On my black I like the polished lip idea with a black face and silver center cap to pull it all together, rivets are a nice touch as well for contrast, but may be work in cleaning.

As well I see alot of NSX with Advan, Rays/Volks, and HRE are there other brands NSX owners like to use and why? Is it based on weight? Style? Origin?

If my car was black i would want a set of dark brozne wheels.

I love this car:
I also have a black NSX and just recently went through this same process. Luckily for us almost all colors match well with black.

I was hard pressed between CE28N or Advan RS. I was also torn between bronze or gunmetal. I really like the bronze look on black but just couldn't commit for some reason.

After some photoshopping and looking at countless pictures I stumbled across Volks' titanium gunmetal. Seeing the picture on SoS' website sealed the deal for me. They should arrive in a few weeks so fingers crossed on the color combo.

Sorry for the long winded reply and good luck on your hunt. Now the hunt for tires begins. Does it ever end?
(the picture is from SoS' website)
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After some photoshopping and looking at countless pictures I stumbled across Volks' titanium gunmetal. Seeing the picture on SoS' website sealed the deal for me. They should arrive in a few weeks so fingers crossed on the color combo.


You are so true on that. How many of us spend endless hours revieiwing and double checking to make sure.

Some of the guys here already know that I have an issue with my wheels say fronts because they are too big and I need to buy a new set but I talk with guys like syth19 and Angus and others to try to figure out exactly what I want but as well my car is very low so I have to add that into the big picture as well which makes it tough to decide on. I went to a shop a few weeks ago to have a look at the Advan RS-D and never realized through pictures that there is quite a lip on the wheels that stick out. So now I am second guessing myself with those wheels based on if the wife drives the car and curb rashes them. I like the look I have now, I just want to replace the look I have but that is harder then I thought. Sometimes I look at the GPW and the LBBP and Reds and see more color options for those guys, but it is all personal feeling at the end. I just want a good set up with no rubbing so I can drive my car with a clear mind instead of all ways worring what is around the corner!
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My problem was that there are very few pictures of NSXs with titanium gunmetal CE28N. So I had to resort to photoshop. Then I was hesitant because pictures don't show the true color consistently. I mean that the lighting has a lot to do with how it appears. I am pretty stoked with my selection.

I agree with Synth though, lip or no lip if you curb it, it doesn't matter. If you are afraid that much about it you may not want to spend top dollar. Get a more disposable wheel because eventually they are gonna get messed up.
Black looks real good especially if you are trying to blackout the car like me.




Here's a pic of my ride...
personaly I like the wheels to contrast with the black so I got simple silver ssr-c which are light and have an easy to clean 6 spoke design.
My Black NSX with:
Chrome - Yuck - too much "bling" for a sports type vehicle. Chrome does not belong on a nsx but polished is ok.
Bronze - Ok - neither stands out or blends in
Silver - Nice not too flashy, not too subdued like a good designed oem look (Picture: stock ferrari)
Flat black - VERY nice - Evil, racy look

I've done those 4.
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Brylec, M Scott, Bogie Bog. What mfr/model wheels are shown in your pics? Also, I have the Brembos and need clearance for the calipers. What size/offset are shown?
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Brylec, M Scott, Bogie Bog. What mfr/model wheels are shown in your pics? Also, I have the Brembos and need clearance for the calipers. What size/offset are shown?

Volks ce28N in ti-gunmetal for me. Still waiting on them to arrive from Japan. SoS says a few more weeks, though I am in no rush. Kind of looking forward to the change.