Color of car a deciding factor?

For me, red is on the bottom of my list as far as colors go. My top three are white, blue and silver, with white being first choice, and blue and silver being tied. Even though I have three "favorite" colors, it's still hard to find one that isn't RED. Black is okay... not my favorite, but not a deal breaker, either.

My top priority with a purchase is the mechanical condition of the car. The esthetics are lower on the priority list because if I wind up with a color I don't like, I'll just get it wrapped in a color that I do like.

Wrapping it can be a little costly, but it's certainly cheaper than a (proper) repaint, and it's reversable.
black no doubt is a hard color to live with if you must have it looking perfect every time you go out.It will swirl over time and shows most imperfections....but I personaly always loved the black/camel combo on sports that is what I got.At this point in my life I don't get bent outa shape if the car is "dirty".
I wanted a red NSX but found a Black one in great condition. I wasn't sure I wanted black. Now that I have it I love it, every NSX is red, etc.

If you keep the car garaged, I don't see a problem. I love my black NSX
My top priority with a purchase is the mechanical condition of the car. The esthetics are lower on the priority list because if I wind up with a color I don't like, I'll just get it wrapped in a color that I do like.

Wrapping it can be a little costly, but it's certainly cheaper than a (proper) repaint, and it's reversable.

+1 What he said, condition more important than color.
Black in AZ is a chore to keep clean. The dust drives me crazy, but not crazy enough to have passed on my beautiful nsx. Yes it gets hot too, but any color car gets scorching hot in the AZ sun. A sunshade for the winshield is a must!
The color was not my deciding factor - really was the condition of the car, and the confidence that I got from the previous owner that the car was properly cared for and taken care of. I'm on my 2nd NSX, and both times I bought from a private seller that, after chatting with them, I had no doubt that they were good, honest people, and provided all the car ownership records that I wanted. IMHO there is no bad color combination that Honda ever put together for the NSX.

Having said that, I would have loved to have found a LBBP.... but I can so easily live with the Silverstone / Onyx :smile:
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Having owned several black cars, I would say avoid them. They are tough to maintain, and extra hot out in the sun. Wait for the right color.

That's lazy talk. Nothing more rewarding than spending a few hours on your car and giving it a mirror finish. This isn't an SUV we're talking about, it's a car that I personally don't mind spending some time making it pretty. If it gets dirty then I get to do it again.
That's lazy talk. Nothing more rewarding than spending a few hours on your car and giving it a mirror finish. This isn't an SUV we're talking about, it's a car that I personally don't mind spending some time making it pretty. If it gets dirty then I get to do it again.

I dunno about you but when I had my black car I had to either do a quick detailer wipedown every 3-4 days or wash it every week to keep it clean and shiny. No matter how carefully I washed it I'd still get swirls and waterspots which needed a 2-step paint correction every year. I got tired of that real quick and I felt a huge relief when I sold it. I'll never buy a black car again.
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I wanted a black/black, I ended up with a red/tan. It took a few months, but the car has really grown on me, and after some long(ish) road trips I'm happy that I ignored my color bias and got a car that still has working windows, cold blowing AC, and is mechanically flawless.

Only have 16k miles helps too.
I owned a black BMW and swore I would never get another black car because I literally would wash that thing every other day. 10 years later I bought a black Audi TT, swore up and down that I wouldn't get another black car. Guess what, I bought a black NSX and swear I will never buy another black car but, I wouldn't trade my NSX for any other NSX out there. I would though consider buying another NSX purely on color...Imola is the only other color I'd buy.
My NSX is black on black and I it's too bad because I have an S2000 that is Silverstone so, my situation is different. When it comes to the NSX though, my car is set up exactly how I want it...lots of custom engine work and subtle custom interior work.

Ultimately when it comes to a car especially one that is as special as the NSX I say buy exactly what you want when it comes to color. Don't settle...unless you get the ultimate deal that you can't pass up.
I dunno about you but when I had my black car I had to either do a quick detailer wipedown every 3-4 days or wash it every week to keep it clean and shiny. No matter how carefully I washed it I'd still get swirls and waterspots which needed a 2-step paint correction every year. I got tired of that real quick and I felt a huge relief when I sold it. I'll never buy a black car again.

I had 5 black cars in a row; granted, I was never hellbent on them absolutely having to look like they were in the showroom each day of the week either (this may be the difference between us). I did get tired and then I had a white ITR and silver M3, neither offering any sort of reward for a good detailing (which I do enjoy doing every so often), so I got a black NSX.
For me, it was the year of the car. I wanted the 91 as it was the 1st year. That first year has all of the intro press history, it has all of the hype, it was a coup, it came with two hard bound books (the aluminum and black sales brochure and the black Tech & Development history book with aluminum NSX plaque on the front) and Senna had his touch directly on the first year. But here in the US the NSX only came in Red, Black and Silver. In my search I was looking at all three colors. Then I saw this Red with the Ivory interior in exellent condition just begging me to buy it before someone else did and I was hooked on Red even though it is the least rare of the NSX colors and is the favorite of our men in blue to write tickets on.
When my lovely wife finally agreed with me that I `needed' a sports car and is was to be an nsx she had only one stipulation......and i quote "it better be red or don't bother bringing it home!" she said. Well that made my choice pretty easy....even though secretly I had wanted red the whole time......
I think the matching color combos are great, but all of them except silver are definitely on the "loud" side as far as matching interiors go. I really really REALLY love the silverstone interior. It never shows up well in pictures but it's awesome. Even the dealer thought I had an aftermarket color done. LOL

But I would get the best car available in any color.
For me, it had to be purple.

I even accepted a less-than-pristine car with a somewhat questionable history because it was purple, and I know those don't come up for sale very often.

Do I regret it?

Nope. Because it's purple.