Coilovers with close to atock feel

I'm still holding out for the Tenneco DRiV dampers. The latest is that these may be available early next year.

Modern OEM technology adaptive suspension for retrofit applications. Cool. :cool:
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if you know what you are doing and have the patience and data logging to support your setting choice....
For this exact reason I was so hopeful for the 1-way Ohlins... even if it only gets me 85% there at any given moment. It even makes something like an Tein EDFC retrofit more appealing. However, I haven't found a well tuned 1-way for the NSX. odd, you'd think they'd have had a set after 20+ years. I guess I've wanted to try Koni yellow (3 rebound settings right?) before.
Exactly RYU.

I've seen pictures of the Ohlins DFV installed on three NSX's now, but have only heard of a review from one person (the vendor selling the kit on the NSX UK site). I'm sure that review was WAY biased because the suspension travel from the rear units was negligible and the thing must be hitting the bumpstops at any more-than-minor road imperfection. It doesn't matter how smooth the DFVs are if you're hitting the bumpstops all the time. It looks like SakeBomb and others are utilizing a newer, longer DFV application for the NSX rear (the way it should be).

I would like to ride in one before making another coilover purchase.