Climate control help

1 April 2002
San Francisco
Hi, I have a issue with my climate control. The fan speed does not work except on high. So is this a blower motor issue or is this the climate control? Please advise.
Send the climate control to BrianK. Mine did the same thing.
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

So you're saying it's the CCU that is the problem?
Try the diagnostic test located here located on page 22-12. Try this first. If it is indeed the CCU, send it to Brain. While you are at it, take out your instrument gauge panel and send that to Brian too. You will thank me later for this recommendation.
The fan only running on high is also a symptom of a bad resistor pack, which is located on the fan housing.
The fan only running on high is also a symptom of a bad resistor pack, which is located on the fan housing.

Minor correction - its a power transistor, not a resistor. The CCU switches the transistor on and off at varying rates to adjust the fan speed. On high speed there is a relay which by-passes the transistor and sends 12v directly to the blower motor which is why a failed transistor can cause non operation on anything other than the high speed setting. However, a buggered PWM circuit in the CCU can also cause the same symptoms. Definitely run the CCU self test function.

The service manual (which you can find on the NSX wiki) has more detailed diagnostics that you can carry out to help you decide whether it is the CCU, power transistor of a loose wire.
Minor correction - its a power transistor, not a resistor. The CCU switches the transistor on and off at varying rates to adjust the fan speed. On high speed there is a relay which by-passes the transistor and sends 12v directly to the blower motor which is why a failed transistor can cause non operation on anything other than the high speed setting. However, a buggered PWM circuit in the CCU can also cause the same symptoms. Definitely run the CCU self test function.

The service manual (which you can find on the NSX wiki) has more detailed diagnostics that you can carry out to help you decide whether it is the CCU, power transistor of a loose wire.

Right, TRANSistor. Trans, Re, Bi, Cross... I can't keep all the sexual orientations straight :smile: In any case, mine was doing the same thing and I sent the CCU for rebuilding, only to find it was the transistor assembly. Should have run through the diagnosis first.
Right, TRANSistor. Trans, Re, Bi, Cross...

Actually, not so far off. The physicists who developed the first 'bipolar' transistor coined the name as a contraction of the words Transfer Resistor. Probably good for a wedge in Trivial Pursuit, or maybe just a wedgey.

As you note, always best to test and diagnose first rather than spend and replace, then spend some more and replace and maybe do it again and again until you run out of suggestions from other owners.
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Try the diagnostic test located here located on page 22-12. Try this first. If it is indeed the CCU, send it to Brain. While you are at it, take out your instrument gauge panel and send that to Brian too. You will thank me later for this recommendation.

Why do you recommend sending the instrument gauge panel off as well?
Why do you recommend sending the instrument gauge panel off as well?

The instrument clusters can suffer from the same failing capacitor issues as the CCU and sound system. At least one Prime user has reported a ' fire in the cockpit' as a result of failure on the instrument cluster.
Is there a YouTube video to put the unit into diagnosis mode? I tried all 3 ways.
Wiki and nsx shop have slightly different instructions.
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