Cleaning the throttle body

25 November 2004
Upstate NY
I'm about to clean the thottle body on my '92. Is there anything more to do than wiping out the main intake opening closest to the air cleaner and/or slowly/episodically spraying cleaner into it while idling? I saw a thread wherein spraying cleaner into the hose on top of the TB was rec'd also. Anthying more than this?

PS--I don't have the NSX Owner article about this.
It is safer off idle, at about 2500 rpm IMO. The part about the hose on top of the t-body I think you are reffering to is on the TBW cars where idle air is distributed thru this hose. The hose on top of your throttle body is for vapor purge and cleaning this is totally unimportant.

NSXtech, is my '95 TBW? If so, is it recommended to clean this "other thing" ? Could someone pls describe this other step or link me to a DIY? Thanks
Did you get the last copy of NSXDriver? Full pictorial writeup.

Hi, Larry--no, i don't have that issue. My first issue, as a new member, came last month. If there is anything more to the job than cleaning through the main throat and throttle plate, I'd be interested in knowing about it.

BTW, Larry, the car has been running great since your work on it. Thanks again.
Hi Doc,

Hope all is well. Glad the car is running fine:). Sounds like the NSXDriver issue you do not have came out just before you joined NSXCA. I will investigate and let you know.
