Classic car insurance

It's spring time again - time to put away the snow shovels, drag out the patio furniture, and revisit talk of car insurance.

I have "standard" coverage on my NSX as a 2nd vehicle, costing under $500/year with no usage limitations. That's not too bad but like anyone I'd like to save some $. I was hoping to think out loud and ask a few questions to see if anyone has anything good to add, to verify my understanding of things via real-life usage?

Seasonal registration - This spring I learned about seasonal registration in PA. I'm probably going to do this. It permits reducing insurance coverage to just comprehensive between dates that I select during which I would not drive the NSX. I'd choose Nov 1 - March 31. I remain disinterested in any special classic/collector type policies w/restrictions on mileage or drive-to-work usage even if it foregoes being able to insure to an "agreed value." Does anyone use seasonal registration and how has that worked out for you?

Agreed value - To me this is the one limitation with "standard" coverage: No pre-defined agreed-to value in case of total loss. If I wreck with a few thousand $$ damage and insurance brings the car back to 100% same operable condition, that doesn't worry me too much since I have imaginings that I'll never sell it's not like we're discussing $500k+ items... But if mine is totaled and my insurer follows NADA values, I theoretically couldn't replace mine with a like-for-like NSX using even "high retail" NADA value for an NSX. The below thread seemed to discuss one option for this scenario well:
To me, knowing this option exists seems to essentially be similar to having an "agreed value" coverage, just with a lot of add'l work and no guarantees. I'd be curious if anyone had any add'l insight to add regarding successes or disasters with agreed value policies and/or pursuing compensation for "street value" vs. what they were paid after an incident?

Diminished value - as best I can tell from reading other threads, there is no such thing as "diminished value" coverage, where one would be paid the difference between before & after values of a non-totalled incident. Instead, it seems that one could theoretically go the route in the link above and work with the insurer & seek appraisals to substantiate diminished value after a non-totalled claim, and/or one could pursue legal action against the person who hit him if it seems worth his time and effort? Is that even close to being accurate? Has anyone ever pursued a diminished value claim?

Pay-as-you-go (mileage) insurance - this was mentioned above in this thread. Does anyone use this, how has it worked out, and are there any restrictions at all?

I'd appreciate any comments!
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I have "standard" coverage on my NSX as a 2nd vehicle, costing under $500/year with no usage limitations. That's not too bad but like anyone I'd like to save some $. I was hoping to think out loud and ask a few questions to see if anyone has anything good to add, to verify my understanding of things via real-life usage?

Agreed value - To me this is the one limitation with "standard" coverage: No pre-defined agreed-to value in case of total loss. If I wreck with a few thousand $$ damage and insurance brings the car back to 100% same operable condition, that doesn't worry me too much since I have imaginings that I'll never sell it's not like we're discussing $500k+ items... But if mine is totaled and my insurer follows NADA values, I theoretically couldn't replace mine with a like-for-like NSX using even "high retail" NADA value for an NSX.

I'd appreciate any comments!

My classic insurance has my agreed value at $43500.00. Appraised value. (not bad for a '91)

With Classic Insurance: I know of someone that lost their '69 Camaro. (Stollen) He received 95% of appraised value. Car appraisal was two years old. He should have recieved more, because those cars are worth more every year. That couldn't be proven and claim was agreed by both parties.

Insurance companies are better at taking your money compared to giving it back.
That's good to hear, in that I assumed that the agreed-to payout for classic insurance works if one were to keep up with things like appraisals, etc. But your respose (assuming it was directly a result of my post) made me just realize that perhaps I shouldn't have bumped a thread titled "classic car insurance" when I'm asking questions beyond classic car insurance, ha ha. I'm not the least bit interested in insurance with caveats, as I want to have the option to occasionally drive to work, pile on the miles, drive at night, etc. I think I'll look for a more appropriate thread to bump, or create a new one over the weekend!
.....Insurance companies are better at taking your money compared to giving it back.

Not in my case.

Every used car I have I have made a rock chip claim... yielding around $5k since here in California there is a law that states I have the right to select the body shop.

They cut me a check and I live with rock chips that aren't too major.
Insurance companies are better at taking your money compared to giving it back.

at times, in order to pay for things like:

Not in my case.

Every used car I have I have made a rock chip claim... yielding around $5k since here in California there is a law that states I have the right to select the body shop.

They cut me a check and I live with rock chips that aren't too major.

Not in my case.

Every used car I have I have made a rock chip claim... yielding around $5k since here in California there is a law that states I have the right to select the body shop.

They cut me a check and I live with rock chips that aren't too major.

Did you just admit to insurance fraud on an open forum?
Did you just admit to insurance fraud on an open forum?

Fraud? Liable Slander much?

It's not fraud. 99%~ of the people do not read their policy fine print that rock chips resulting from someone cutting you off is an actual event. pure and simple. Every car I've owned had this happened. people are just bad drivers and I'm fussy about my car finish since most of them are black and I see everything.

It's perfectly legal for them to cut me the check for the repairs where it's up to me if i want to continue with the repairs. If I dun repaint and sell the car then of course my car's resell value will be less due to the rock chips.

Why dun u check with ur agent.....
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