Classic car insurance

16 November 2009
was wondering how most people are insuring their nsx. does the nsx qualify for the classic car insurance? if so, are there any advantages or disadvantages compare to regular liability insurance? thanks for your thoughts.
I have mine FULL coverage for 100.00 bucks a month with Geico,, go full coverage cuz if your car is paid off and someone hits it and you only have PIP your gonna have a huge repair bill,, better to pay now so you wont have to later,, full coverage all the way,, the rear quarter panel is 1900 bucks from the dealer,, and install 600.00 ,,paint/prep work 600.00, ,,, trust me I know!!
I insure my '84 Corvette for about $100 per year via
That includes collision, comprehensive, liability, and even spare parts stored in the same garage. (For some reason, after I bought my NSX 10 years ago, I drove the Corvette very little. :biggrin: But I didn't want to sell it and collector's insurance was a cheap way to hold onto the car yet drive it occasionally.)

It should be under $400 a year for an NSX worth $30k to $40k, but there are lots of restrictions, such as
1. Can't use it to commute to work
2. Must prove have a commuter car & a back-up if that car breaks
3. Must be stored in a locked garage
4. Drive less than 3k mi /year
5. No driving at night

Note that NJ has about the highest auto insurance rates in the US, so you may be able to do better. Just make sure you can live with the restrictions.

I keep my NSX on a regular policy, at $650 per year with full coverage. But that's with a 3-car discount. And, I'm even older than Larry B, so this is one case where age helps.:redface:
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I just got a quote of $516, however no mention of not driving at night as of yet.
Full coverage with State Farm, $500 deductible, less than 7500 miles/year, multipolicy discount, less than 30 years old, less than $800/year. It's cheaper to insure than the BMW worth half as much.
I use State Farm regular ole insurance and it is $660/yr, $0/$0 deductibles, $500K coverage across the board, less than 7500 miles per year....
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I have my insurance through Hagerty. Collector car types of insurance are suited for anyone who only occasionaly drives their NSX, which is fine for me. The biggest plus was that I could insure it for stated value. Since I have too much money in mods for my car, I would be way under water if I had conventional insurance since their coverage is based on blue book. So, in the end, I am paying more for insurance compared to State Farm, but I would get double the payout should something unforseen happen to my car. I like that peace of mind.
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was wondering how most people are insuring their nsx. does the nsx qualify for the classic car insurance? if so, are there any advantages or disadvantages compare to regular liability insurance? thanks for your thoughts.
I have both of mine with Hagerty in NJ as collector cars. Classic car insurance is a whole different animal at 25yrs old. You have to wait 6 more years before a 1991 NSX qualifies for classic or historic in NJ. On the other hand, a collector car can be as new as a 2010 vehicle as long as the annual mileage is kept around 3k and there are only several hundred or less built per year .......... like the 93-05 NSX.
4. Drive less than 3k mi /year
5. No driving at night

Alright, less than 3k miles a year I can semi-understand. That's a little low but not bad... No driving at night however, THAT I couldn't live with. That's one of the greatest times to just cruise around, it's 9-10pm at night, streets are getting empty, it's 70-75 degrees outside, you've got the windows down, building lights are on and looking good. You can just cruise around at your own pace, enjoying the drive and reflecting on anything and everything.

A little off topic, I apologize for that.
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I'm talking to AAA after finding out from a NSX buddy (that usually lurks on here) that this was offered last year via an under-writer:

Here's my email dialogue so far (my response is in bold):

Hello BATMANs,

Our underwriters will need specifics. One that they want to know off the bat is the current odometer reading on the vehicle as of today. 120k~ miles. I'll get the exact mileage once I'm home from business next week

Other questions to help determine insurability -

Annual mileage driven on this vehicle: Less than 3000 miles. It's now just a weekend car. No commuting
Other information would be associated cost put into the vehicle (parts purchased less labor): $30k~ (i'll get back to you on that exact number once I tally up the receipts)
Power (hp): 400HP (I may be increasing the power to 450-500HP range. Let me know if this is a problem and how it would effect insurance rates)
Power-to-weight ratio (if known): 7.5HP/lbs ratio
Additional aftermarket safety features (i.e. alarm, etc): none
Garaging type: (i.e. attached garage to current home; if detached garage, the make-up of the garage; how the vehicle is secured): attached to the house and controlled by a garage door opener.
This is NOT the primary vehicle for everyday commute, business/commercial use, racing (coverage is not available while on a track/pit areas; paddock area okay): The car will not be used for any track purpose, commuting nor business. Just weekend driving around the Bay Area and displaying at some local car shows.
I now have mine on classic insurance. Intact Insurance: $331.00 per year. Agreed appraised value of $43,500.00. full value if the car is stolen, 3000 miles maximum usage / year.

Value is based on professional appraisal. Appraisal is on file with Insurance company.

When I need to do a road trip, (NSXPO) I just change it for 6 months to a year with a regular policy.

With that value, financially, it is best if the car get stolen or written off. The issue is, a lot of damage can be done to the car and it not be classed as a write-off. A car is never the same after major damage.
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Why are some of you guys getting insurance with mileage limits? There is no reason at all to be restricted on how much you want to drive the car. The only restrictions on my policy are no track, no work use, no school use, and no drivers under the age of 25. No big deal, but not being able to drive more than 3000 miles, that sucks. I'd look for a different insurance company.
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So what I heard on the AAA case is that it's 3k a year, but the miles do roll over to the following years like an AT&T phone plan.

So what exactly is "agreed value? Do you determine that within reason? I would love to have my NSX with mods valued at $60k-65k and pay more premium knowing that I have a peace of mind.
are u using them?

if so what are the terms and conditions?

I have Grundy and my post above represents the terms. You can insure your car for any amount you think it's worth. The more you value it more the policy will cost.
Mine is through Haggerty and is around $800 per year with an agreed value of $40k. I also have my Chevelle on the policy for an extra $125 per year with an agreed value of $25k
Mine costs me about $375.00 a year for $36,000.00 coverage. No mileage limits as the car is not classified as an antique, which here in the Province where I live, is 25 years old.

91 NSX Red/Black
09 VW Jetta TDI White