Clad modeling an nsx????

Think of this thread a small bridge over a river. The OP lives under said bridge but does manage to pop up to collect money from all that have taken time to respond / request passage. Ah to be 15 again...

Alas I think you are right and I have fallen for it.

I note the OP has another thread about wrapping an NSX in chrome and says he owns an NSX.
Judging by the topics, the poor spelling, and no pictures, I'd say he's not an NSX owner either.
"All-clad" I have those pans in my kitchen. They work great on induction burners!
I now understand the confusion here. I meant clay modeling. Sorry. My spelling ain't the greatest. So apology to everyone.

How come no one here way able to correct my spelling of the word clay. Geeee this thread went this long and one pointed out theeee most important mistake.

I make a pretty bad troll for not being able to spell correctly......
I now understand the confusion here. I meant clay modeling. Sorry. How come no one here way able to correct my spelling of the word clay.....

You were asked by me the day you made the first post what was clad modeling?
You didn't answer the question and now you want to blame someone for not catching your mistake?
I think you should stop posting until you can read what you actually write and learn how to spell.
1. Key in your post
2. Read what you keyed
3. Click "Post Quick Reply"
4. Have no regrets.
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Why do people feel the need to go on a forum and claim to be an owner when they are not. Even if your an owner you are not impressing anyone, just respect other owners. I just am not seeing the point of it. Its almost like the Stolen Valor people.
Why do people feel the need to go on a forum and claim to be an owner when they are not. Even if your an owner you are not impressing anyone, just respect other owners. I just am not seeing the point of it. Its almost like the Stolen Valor people.

We all need to step back and put ourselves in the OP shoes.

Now imagine you are 15 years old and your mom just told you to clean your room. The problem is you really want to start a thread on one more forum but you need to rush so your Mom does not get mad and take away dessert tonight. This pressure causes you to rush the post and not check spelling or even write it in a way that makes sense.

Have some compassion guys.
OK. We are having some fun at the expense of the OP. But I have read many a post just as grammatically twisted by long standing Primers who should be old enough to do better. Maybe it's legit. I'd hate to think this place was no better than the average Porsche site. ;)
A few friends of mine warned me of joining nsx prime for this exact reasons.

First things first.

Yes i do own an nsx. In fact this is my 4th nsx in 15 years.

I been to a few monthly meetings and to nsxpo in Vegas (which was awesome btw)

i careless if you people don't believe me or not.

What started out as an innocent questions then I get crucified....

Now I fully understand why some of the former nsx prime members, hates this site, cause some of the rotten apples and ill hearted people here.

Bottom line, I thought this forum is about sharing ideas, advices and helping out fellow nsx owners. The moderators needs to step in and stop online bullying, bashing and ill well comments. So that it won't discourage future people to join this forum or to simple ask questions without backlashes or negativity.
And after I posted something nice.

Hey, this ain't no Sunday cotillion. It's the Internet. Ya gotta keep a sense of humor. Especially when you screw up in a post that starts a new thread.

Clad modeling. Really?
If you have AutoCLAD, its not too difficult.

I would suggest you check around places like LKQ and carparts to see if you can find the necessary bits. Our man with the master plan from FL (Shawn) can probably hook you up with a few of those.

Good luck, man. $11,000 is a steal for the car. If the panels are just scratched etc you may be better off getting them fixed up and a full repaint rather than screwing around with aftermarket parts.
A few friends of mine warned me of joining nsx prime for this exact reasons.

First things first.

Yes i do own an nsx. In fact this is my 4th nsx in 15 years.

I been to a few monthly meetings and to nsxpo in Vegas (which was awesome btw)

i careless if you people don't believe me or not.

What started out as an innocent questions then I get crucified....

Now I fully understand why some of the former nsx prime members, hates this site, cause some of the rotten apples and ill hearted people here.

Bottom line, I thought this forum is about sharing ideas, advices and helping out fellow nsx owners. The moderators needs to step in and stop online bullying, bashing and ill well comments. So that it won't discourage future people to join this forum or to simple ask questions without backlashes or negativity.

Obviously using a translation program...I'm guessing Nigerian? Let me guess, he'll sell this "car" at a good deal if someone asks him. I'm sure it will involve some kind of money transfer scam.
Obviously using a translation program...I'm guessing Nigerian? Let me guess, he'll sell this "car" at a good deal if someone asks him. I'm sure it will involve some kind of money transfer scam.
Oh man! No way! I was sworn that a Nigerian prince would deliver me this car in person.
Its always "my buddy" or "my friend" bought a NSX.