Christmas door Solicitation


15 July 2009
Guys how do you prevent Christmas door Solicitation,

just a few minutes ago A girl dressed in an almost Boy Church outfit ( long black pants, white long sleeve shirt and a tie,came to my door tring to sell magazines or what ever to earn her some college credits LOL

I told her that the last 6 people selling the same thing that I wasnt interested as she started to give me her long drawn out lines,

I said hey your the girl that came the first time a few days ago I remember your voice, and now looking at your face your the same girl right

she said no.

I said yes your are you were dressed in a a different outfit, are you kidding me I said you change outfits days later and hit the same house twice she didnt think I would remember her.

I said Merry Christmas and tell all your buddies not to stop by again.

she was still in shock that she got caught red handed.
Putting a "no solicitors" sign up is about all you can do. Make it loud and clear, but the louder and clearer it is, the more of an eyesore the sign will be.

Also remember that these people are out alone, they don't know who else has come to your door, they don't know that 7 others have visited you the same day/week before them. You can't really blame them for being "the 5th, 7th, millionth" person to come to your door. Just try and shoo them off courteously.

As for law enforcement, technically unless your doorstep is right at a public sidewalk, them walking up your doorway/driveway is trespassing, I guess you can have them cited for trespassing while walking to your door, but personally I'd see that as about as low as someone could go.

I don't think there is really any full-proof way of handling these solicitors, just shrug 'em off, or move to a gated community. I guess I'm jaded. I've never been solicited before, I don't even remember it happening when I was a kid at home. :confused:
Ahhh. I stopped by a couple of days ago to give you that money keN SaX owes you. But no one came to the door, so I left.
Put a camera up or look out the window before you answer. If you don't know who it is and aren't expecting anything, don't answer the door in the first place.

I had a business once in a small office park with a door directly to the outside. I was hit with solicitations multiple times a week. Artwork, printing, shredding, you name it. It got to the point where it was disruptive. I put up a NO SOLICITING sign. It was ignored. I added a larger sign that included a cut/paste from our state laws with the part about ignoring them being a crime in red and bold. They still ignored it. I had to start being rude and abrupt with them (we were one big open room so they were bothering everybody the moment they stepped in the door). I started locking the door and they'd bang on it. I finally had to start calling the police. It was the same people all the time. I'd see one walk in and I'd immediately put my phone on speakerphone and press the speed dial for the police (non emergency number of course). The regulars eventually stopped coming around, though from time to time you'd get one who'd stick around to argue with the cops. Thankfully I finally outgrew the space and moved to an office park where we didn't have direct access to the outside and building management enforced the no solicitation rules.
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tell them you just lost your job and ask them for a little help.....alternatively tell them you are a canibal and they are just in time for lunch. plan B answer the door naked.....
I have that problem in my neighborhood. Lots of kids and moms at home all day. Our door bell broke years ago and I've never fixed it. I don't intend to either. My kids know that if they don't know who the person is, they don't answer the door. I won't either. If I didn't ask you to come over, chances are, I'm not answering it. There have been plenty of times that they can clearly see we are home, but we aren't going to answer the door. They eventually just leave.
You need a bigger dog:wink: My dog can make it to the gate in 3.4 seconds can you?
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You need a bigger dog:wink: My dog can make it to the gate in 3.4 seconds can you?

+1 Also, I cant stop laughing about answering the door naked LOL. If that happened to me I would run away so fast. Well if it was a dude. Now if it was a girl I would knock on the door everyday lol.

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