Chris Benoit...RIP

I guess Mr. McMahon had to explain himself. I'll never forget Benoit's crippler move.
Does any one know what happened???
Currently being reported as a murder/suicide. He killed the wife & kid, Friday then himself Monday. Details are weak.
I've heard that the wife killed the kid then called him to come home. When he got home he strangled her with a cord in the bedroom in a fit of rage. Then he wrote an extensive suicide note apologizing and saying goodbye to the rest of his family then hung himself from the banister. Poor kid was suffocated with a plastic bag.

I also saw a bit of news that I dont know if everyone read in there version but a week earlier Sensational Sherri was also found dead at her mothers house I do not know if there was any relationship between the two deaths but its strange to say the least.
It's a pity since I enjoyed watching Benoit wrestle, but I just can't believe that he murdered them all since they all looked like they were a happy family when he won the heavyweight title.
Does any one know what happened???
He killed his wife with a phone cord, spent the night in the house with his son, they watch wrestling all day on TV, killed him that evening, spent the night in the house with the 2 bodies and hung himself on his gym equipment the next day. Rx roydes were found in the house. Sounds like a screwed up person to me :eek: :eek:
hey nsx stalker where did you get your info on benoit??? im a huge wrestling fan. ive been watching wrestling since 1987... i actually believe your story more than everyone else...:eek:
Dunno where all these varying stories are coming from but CNN reported he killed both of them, hung around for a day, then hung himself from his gym equipment.
"The 40-year-old champion strangled his wife, Nancy Benoit, and suffocated his 7-year-old son Daniel, authorities said, before he hanged himself on a portable weight machine inside his lavish home outside Atlanta. Police have said no motive has been determined."

If this is accurate, I sure hope he DOESN'T RIP!!! How anyone could kill their own child is beyond me and the thought of it literally makes me queasy.
Dunno where all these varying stories are coming from but CNN reported he killed both of them, hung around for a day, then hung himself from his gym equipment.
"The 40-year-old champion strangled his wife, Nancy Benoit, and suffocated his 7-year-old son Daniel, authorities said, before he hanged himself on a portable weight machine inside his lavish home outside Atlanta. Police have said no motive has been determined."

If this is accurate, I sure hope he DOESN'T RIP!!! How anyone could kill their own child is beyond me and the thought of it literally makes me queasy.

I agree, anyone that kills their own kid should rot in hell.
3 years ago, before I had kids, I'd read all these news stories about people killing kids, sometimes intentionally, sometimes accidentally, and frankly it didn't bother me in the least. It's amazing what having your own kids does to change that perspective. I simply never got it, and if you don't have your own kids, it's really not possible to get it.