Chicago Area Pre-Holiday Meet, Dec. 9 or 10?

15 November 2001
Chicago, IL, USA
It appears as if the good weather may be behind us now, but it's not too early to talk about Springtime Mods!

Bob and I were talking about getting together before the Holidays to catch up on car talk. The last Downers Grove meet seems like an eon ago. Is it insane to spend 5 grand on a JDM muffler? How much hp can Bob get out of a SC? Will Randy trade his NSX for a 355? These are questions that need answering people!

Either Saturday December 9th or Sunday December 10th. Please note your avails.

Maybe at Del Ray's Chicken Basket or some other hangout that makes sense. Got a suggestion? Please... suggest!

Lets get the crew together again (NSX is optional this time). Maybe the two new Chicago members will show (Paul 91 and ALSWEL).

Who is in?

- Frank

I like samaches!!!!
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I'm voting for Dec 10th. Does anyone have an opinion about The Patio? Good food, fair price, kid friendly for the parents. Thoughts? I think we can reserve a section of tables.
LOL!! :biggrin:

I miss spring already :redface: The first snowfall is really neat, and then I'm tired of it. And what's with it getting dark at like 2:00 PM now!?!? I hate winter.

The Patio is an informal rib/burger kind of restaurant. You order your food at the cashier and then the food is brought out to you. There are a couple nearby, closest being Bolingbrook and Darien.

I'm also not opposed to DelRay's, since a bunch of us are already familiar with it.
DRZZZ said:
I'll check my schedule, but Sunday Dec 10th is reserved for da BEARS!

They've got TVs!!! And beer too!
I need a car fix!! :eek:
I will even meet at Frank's patio in 6" of snow.:wink:
The Patio in Darian is less than 1/2 mile from Delray's [Del Rea's] where we meet on the Thursday night Woody brought out his Turbo NSX. Woody said he drives it year round and that it runs really strong in cooler, moist weather. Could you imagine how it would run it this stuff.:wink: :biggrin:
December 10th is best. The 9th is booked (or triple booked to be specific). What time is the game? Maybe we can do food and the game together?

Hey Randy, how's the STI in the snow?! Made me want one this morning :biggrin:
I will try to make the 10th. But my company is relocating two offices into one that weekend, but I hope to be done with my Saturday Work by 5:00PM.......Steve
Bob Kenney said:
I need a car fix!! :eek:
I will even meet at Frank's patio in 6" of snow.:wink:
The Patio in Darian is less than 1/2 mile from Delray's [Del Rea's] where we meet on the Thursday night Woody brought out his Turbo NSX. Woody said he drives it year round and that it runs really strong in cooler, moist weather. Could you imagine how it would run it this stuff.:wink: :biggrin:
The pilot alpine snowies are having trouble hooking up! More O2, cold roads = cracking them loose at 70 mph!
WOODY said:
The pilot alpine snowies are having trouble hooking up! More O2, cold roads = cracking them loose at 70 mph!

With GREAT POWER comes GREAT responsibility:wink: :biggrin:

It must be a "great burden" to have to deal with: being able to brake your tiers loose at 70. :wink: :eek:

Its good to hear from you and I am glad your car is running so well. Do you feel you might make the December get together?
OK, I'm going to vote Chicken Basket now. I know, I know, I suggested The Patio, but I think the Chicken Basket is better for our needs. Who's in for Chicken Basket? After that's decided, let's vote on the date and time. Again, the 10th is better for me because the 9th I have booked.
Q said:
Hey Randy, how's the STI in the snow?! Made me want one this morning :biggrin:
Superior with the Blizzak LM25's. I'm having trouble with the temptation to Rally cross, which could only end in disaster... BTW, I've ordered Ohlin coilovers with rebound and compression adjustments and camber plates. They'll make the pavement buckle when I corner, so you better get your laps in at Gingerman earlier next year before I tear up the tarmac.:biggrin:

The NSX goes in for service on Monday-- oil cooler gasket and the dreaded manual steering rack swap I've talked about for months. I'll let you know how it goes.:frown:
nsxtasy said:
I bet the dreaded manual steering rack swap is less dreaded than the dreaded engine swap... :eek:

It would seem by your recent activities, Expo and beyond, your engine swap is working out very well.:biggrin:
Have you felt any difference in the car?
Has the performance changed in anyway?
Q said:
OK, I'm going to vote Chicken Basket now. I know, I know, I suggested The Patio, but I think the Chicken Basket is better for our needs. Who's in for Chicken Basket? After that's decided, let's vote on the date and time. Again, the 10th is better for me because the 9th I have booked.

The Chicken Basket is good for me.
The 9th is OK after 2:30
The 10th is clear all day and sounds like it works best for some of the others.
You know I'm down with The Basket.

I'm good for either day, but it's looking like Sunday is working for more people.

Are we watching the game too? I seem to remember Del Ray's having a TV and everything.
My quick check of NFL Week 14 shows the Bears on Monday night Dec. 11th. Tell DrZZZ to cut back on his dosage...:smile:

Anytime on Sunday is good for me, but the evening will require either a babysitter or bringing my daughter.