Chewing Tobacco on NSX


15 July 2009
Guys after work today I walked up to my car and there was this ( Seemed ) like bird shit on my car, oh well, wash it when I get home.

I have spit on bird shit and tried cleaning it with a paper towel before, NO NO NO it will scratch the hell outta your paint.

well got home Pre sprayed car, and during the pre-spray tried getting most of it off with the hose and got nothing,
so I washed the car, got to that section, noticed it wasnt bird shit it was chewing tobacco, so freakin gross.

Anyway rubbed the hell outta of it and got most of it off, my car is black so I dont know how long it was on my car
but the combination of Florida Sun cooked it all day so it ATE thru the clearcoat. now I have this Ugly ass splatter mark where it was.

I got the ol' claybar out, nothing, paint cleaner wax, then full wax on the spot nothing, its there for good.

Jack ass red necks " if it Aint made in America it Aint shit "

or a punk kid in a civic " I'll never own one but I sure can show that guy that owns it with my Chew "

I have the worst luck sometimes. just venting sorry guys.
It's hard to have anything nice these days without some ignorant asswipe, proving he's exactly that, by doing something damaging to someone elses property, and walking away with the arrogance of accomplishing something. Frickin idiots are everywhere!
There, that feels better. Happy Motoring!
Spineless pieces of Sh*$% who will vandalize a car and think their goddamn cool doing it. Why can't they show their face and do it. That would make my day.
I wish one day I'd catch the assholes who do that because i don't care how big you are, your going down!
I've had a tough day already and to read this, really makes me get boiling.
Sorry to hear about that Shawn, but after reading about how you take care of your NSX, I'm confident you're going to find a way to get that mark off.
I gotta go cool off....
How did you find out it was chewing tobacco? Licked the spot or something?
Damn! Vandalism is the most senseless crime! I can understand murder more than I can understand vandalism. Murder is a crime against someone you hate! Vandalism is a crime against someone you don't even know!:eek: What's with that? Shawn, I feel your pain!

Dude, that really, really sucks. I don't know how to get the paint restored, but.....



you want I should whisper something into my friends ear and see if we can get this taken care of?

Afflicted for you Shawn, the vandalism is arms with weak the spirit and of weak mental, unfortunately for us, there exists much of these parasites in the world :mad:… there is necessary to make with and supervise our beautiful NSX!

That's the worst man; sorry to hear that. I hope there is someway to get it off but there may not be. If it eats thru the clear coat - you gotta replace it. There is no wax out there that can do that.

Say- any chance there is a camera in the lot? Maybe you could find out who it was - obviously some ass hole red neck. All kinds of people chew or dip these days - sad man. I know you wish you had been ablle to see it sooner. That kind of thing etches the paint permanently. I really don't understand why some people think that's ok. You may want to get a car cover and keep it on the car if you park it outside everyday.

We all feel your pain dude!
Ok to answer your question about how did i know it was chew. while I was tring to get it off originally with my finger nail while it was wet you could smell it a BOLD Copenhagen kinda smell, after scrapping it I then smelled my finger to verify. LOL OK hit me with the jokes but I smelled it and I know it was chew.
here the Fully clayed, cleaned waxed fender with the haze where it was. its bad.

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what can you do but hope the person that did this wrecks their car on the way home LOL off a cliff to a smashingly great death HAHA
........after scrapping it I then smelled my finger to verify. LOL OK ..........

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Not always a good idea.....

Haha - reminds me of that Cameron Diaz movie!!

I'm always thought of it more as a Christina Applegate Movie.....

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If it ate thru your clearcoat, Im going to guess its NOT chew. Bird poop.
Can't really tell 100% by looking at it, but I'm wondering if you can buff that out with some light compound. Clay bar just pulls contaminants off the paint, and wax won't do anything for you. You have to cut the surface down a bit and polish with a mild abrasive - you might be able to salvage it with some careful work, might want to post this over in the detailing section of Prime, maybe some experts over there can tell you more.
Wish you could get a DNA sample from it and find out who did it and go beat some @$$
I feel your pain .... someone egged my car and the shell just ripped into the clear coat and paint. Looks like someone took a engraver to it. :mad:
Whats real funny is that someone EVIL enough to do that Just might have DNA already in the DATABASE ya know. from a previous conviction. LOL that would be funny he gets a bill in the mail for the repair costs.