Check out what happend to my nsx at the gym...

26 February 2008
I was gonna add to the other 'gym' thread, but decided to start my own.


(note the nice scratches on the driver side of the hood)

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Not another one! Sorry to hear about this.

I would be pretty :mad:

Hope you get her fixed up soon!
wow! that is horrible. what would possess someone to do that?

Jealousy, or you did something to really piss someone off (ie: ex-girlfriend). Hey, people kill people. Taking your hate out on someones property is better than hurting someone, and if someone did this, how far could they be from hurting someone? No excuse for doing this, but better than hurting someone physically. If you're at the wrong place at the wrong time - it's your turn. Crazy F'n world we live in. Be careful "out there".
This is the exact reason why people shouldn't exercise!!!

Dam!!! I can't believe the shit people do:mad:...So Sorry.
I just kind of laugh it off. It's really just a material object and know that nothing lasts forever or stays mint anyways. Not that I wanted that to happen, but it is over and done with, so no need to get too upset.

My father passed away soon after I was born and left me a recording telling me to cherish all the moments I have and to not 'save' objects for later use, as there might not be a later. To use my possessions and enjoy them.

To remind myself daily:

"To only use the past only for learning, the future only for planning and the present for living."

He was a Hematologist and died in his mid 30's and wished he enjoyed life more so.

By the way, I have no haters that I know of.