Check out this parking lot

11 July 2002
Orange County, CA

I've seen images of the new Mustang and I thought I liked it until I saw what it would look like in real life. Meh....

for posting that pic. I really look forward to seeing one in person. I truly think they are going to be a hit. Can't be any worse than the one phasing out. I speak from experience so don't flame me. :)
When I saw a handfull of them driving around at the Woodward Dream Cruise last month, I liked them, but I can see where they will become ordinary looking soon. They will sell in great numbers though, and the 07 Cobra (due in 06 if my info is correct) will be a great bang-for-the-buck sports car. And the build quality in the examples I have seen so far is MILES beyond the model it is replacing...
Had a buddy tell me the other day that a brand new (old style) Cobra could be had a local dealer for close to $30,000 or some rediculously low amount compared to sticker.

Also tonight I passed in the opposite direction a new mustang (lightish blue color?) and I didn't think it looked good at all, looked very fat and heavy. But a few months ago I saw a pre-production one that I thought looked ok, so maybe this was a base v-6 model. :confused:
dnyhof said:
Also tonight I passed in the opposite direction a new mustang (lightish blue color?) and I didn't think it looked good at all, looked very fat and heavy. But a few months ago I saw a pre-production one that I thought looked ok, so maybe this was a base v-6 model. :confused:

I'm a little confused too. They are the same body either way, other than engine, suspension settings and badging.
I hope they look better in person than in pics, most cars seem to.
I've seen them, and was not impressed with them... The interior is veru much improved, but the exterior still makes it look heavy
i vote too blocky and heavy looking....

bang for the buck for sure but too many on the road and is it just me that thinks they are "chick cars" barring the Saleens and Cobras?
With the looks and performance of the late 60s.


If you can't make cars as good as the rest of the world, pick someone better than you are and copy them. You have plenty of companies to pic from. Don't get me wrong, I love lots of cars from the late 60s but I am not buying a new recycled wrapper of the same shitty car. If I want a 67 mustang, I'll buy one!

I would love to be willing to buy more than just a select few American cars again, but I have to say that I don't even consider them for the time being.
NsXMas said:
USAToday on Friday has a hugely favorable review of this new mustang. I can't wait to try it!
I am so glad someone else here is looking forward to the arrival of this car. So much negativety for a all new car just isn't fair.