Check out this NSX owners house...WOW!!

I am sure when you have a house like that, you don't worry about the maintenance.:wink:

haha true - but I guess I'd like to ask one of these owners - 'What's the point'??

It's extravagant - but I'd rather hire a famous architect and build a piece of history... that is more livable. Not some marble-ugly house. To each his own I s'pose
Sweet house but 500,000 you got to be joking not in NY. (1.5m+)its got 18 ACRES

Yes 18 acres, narrow lot all scrub brush. the lot is only about 200' feet wide and goes way back before it opens up. The house is within 1/3 of a mile from a working landfill:eek:. There are several other houses around this house of similar qulity and build. The inside, and parts of the outside of the house is not finished. The owners are getting a divorce. So yes I am not joking, they will get ~500k or it will go to foreclousure. Sad state here where the wealthy build their houses next to a landfill so they can afford the freakin' taxes on the house.:mad:
The house is within 1/3 of a mile from a working landfill:eek:. The owners are getting a divorce. So yes I am not joking, they will get ~500k or it will go to foreclousure.

With a savings of $1.5 million, you can afford to buy enough Glade Plug-Ins to mask the smell. :biggrin:
While the garage is impressive and the house is beautiful, I still don't understand the logic of building a house like that. Even if he has a wife and kids, I doubt that the space is used on a regular basis. I don't know if I could spend that kind of money on a house. It seems more like an art piece than a house you live in. I guess he is worth millions and decided to spend some of it on the house. Its his money so obviously what I think doesn't matter. I just think their are more important things in life.

I honestly think that to understand it you have to have that kind of money. I read the article about the house and it sounds like the owner really enjoyed the process of finding the materials himself, and building a truly unique house. Hence the reason he is selling it and starting over on a new one. Everyone has their hobby... :cool: :wink:
I can hear it now... "Son - I said you could take the Ferrari. But if I have to polish tread marks out of the marble in the foyer ONE MORE TIME... it's gonna be your a$$!"

BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! :biggrin: :tongue:
Nice collection, has some taste. I like the v12 old schoo jag as well, even if it's a peice of junk in most aspects.