Check out this NSX owners house...WOW!!

It looks like those are mirrors on the far walls with reflections of the cars. But, I only see the NSX reflection in the mirror and not the actual car....Interesting. I do wish my garage looked more like that though. :eek:
I tried to find it with but there's a white spot above that specific area... Gates living there too? :)

Oh and yea.. :eek: what a 'house'.
A Ferrari in the Foyer! MY God I need something like that. Obscene and I love it! :eek:
Somehow I don't think there was a wife involved in the building and decorating of this house... I don't know... Ferrari in the family room.... 10 cars in the garage and one master suite... just a hunch. LOL...
I think his garage is bigger than my house :eek:
A Ferrari in the Foyer! MY God I need something like that. Obscene and I love it! :eek:

If I remember correctly he also had a Lamborghini Diablo 6.0 parked near his kitchen area, and some sort of nice Harley near the Ferrari.
While the garage is impressive and the house is beautiful, I still don't understand the logic of building a house like that. Even if he has a wife and kids, I doubt that the space is used on a regular basis. I don't know if I could spend that kind of money on a house. It seems more like an art piece than a house you live in. I guess he is worth millions and decided to spend some of it on the house. Its his money so obviously what I think doesn't matter. I just think their are more important things in life.
While the garage is impressive and the house is beautiful, I still don't understand the logic of building a house like that. Even if he has a wife and kids, I doubt that the space is used on a regular basis. I don't know if I could spend that kind of money on a house. It seems more like an art piece than a house you live in. I guess he is worth millions and decided to spend some of it on the house. Its his money so obviously what I think doesn't matter. I just think their are more important things in life.

+1 The place is "Nice" but I couldn't be comfortable living there.

To each his own I guess:smile:
While the garage is impressive and the house is beautiful, I still don't understand the logic of building a house like that. Even if he has a wife and kids, I doubt that the space is used on a regular basis. I don't know if I could spend that kind of money on a house. It seems more like an art piece than a house you live in. I guess he is worth millions and decided to spend some of it on the house. Its his money so obviously what I think doesn't matter. I just think their are more important things in life.

I agree, but with his kind of money (based on his net worth in the article I posted a link to), $10m to him would be the equivalent of me spending about $3K.
That home would be so expensive here in Cali. Very nice :smile:
I can hear it now... "Son - I said you could take the Ferrari. But if I have to polish tread marks out of the marble in the foyer ONE MORE TIME... it's gonna be your a$$!"
I think his garage is bigger than my house :eek:

Not only bigger but worth ten times as much as my WHOLE house,LOL !!!

I tell you one thing for sure,If it were mine,I would have ONE-HELL-OF-A-NSX prime party and you all would be invited !!!
OH yeah it would be a catered party with OPEN bar !!
Damn,day dreaming AGAIN !!!
It was nice while it lasted !
