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Check out this GB deal: Aluminum goods for your NSX

Guys I don't think Anthony would ever screw anyone. This was a huge order and sometimes it's hard to stay on top of all things. If you haven't received your part then send me a PM with your name, address and parts you ordered and I will try to contact him and see if I can remedy the situation.
Guys I don't think Anthony would ever screw anyone. This was a huge order and sometimes it's hard to stay on top of all things. If you haven't received your part then send me a PM with your name, address and parts you ordered and I will try to contact him and see if I can remedy the situation.

PM sent, thanks for your help.
FYI - my experiments in fabrication yielded nothing of value, I still couldn't get around the key problem that it is a thin piece being fit on to a stepped surface. Even if you tore apart an existing door sill it wouldn't work as the angle cut on the aluminum piece doesn't come close to the angle on the OEM plastic piece.

Will have to see what sort of "spacer" Anthony can come up with. Otherwise I would say this is not a recommended product for an OEM door sill.

Here is a photo of how it looked with a bit of padding as a spacer. Simply doesn't look right to me.

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Guys I don't think Anthony would ever screw anyone. This was a huge order and sometimes it's hard to stay on top of all things. If you haven't received your part then send me a PM with your name, address and parts you ordered and I will try to contact him and see if I can remedy the situation.

Did you ever get a hold of Anthony? I never got a Email back from them I'm frustrated I need a resolve for the Door sills I have the same problem outlined by blue_myriddn they don't fit worth a shit not to mention those of us here wasted good $ on these now.
Let me email again. Other than LQQKY and NSXCessive is there anyone else without parts?

Some of these group buys.... the vendors disappear on me. I handed CT engineering several hundred thousand dollars in sales and Nate won't return my calls or email. It sucks.
Funny but sometimes I get the idea that low volume vendors don't like this whole niche group buy deal....they do it but then kinda want to move on.From the looks of things the sill plate conundrum is a tough one...you really need to replicate the whole piece to have it look oem.
Well, I have not received any response from him either via Here, Email or PM as he requested.
He posted on 5/18 that he would be in touch with all who purchased sills to assist in having
something made (Spacer) in regards to the poor fitment issue of the sills.

I replied here on 5/20, sent him a pm on 6/13, sent him an email on 6/15 & 6/25 and still not
one single response to even confirm that he is still working on the issue. Very disappointing!
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Well, I have not received any response from him either via Here, Email or PM as he requested.
He posted on 5/18 that he would be in touch with all who purchased sills to assist in having
something made (Spacer) in regards to the poor fitment issue of the sills.

I replied here on 5/20, sent him a pm on 6/13, sent him an email on 6/15 & 6/25 and still not
one single response to even confirm that he is still working on the issue. Very disappointing!

I would settle for what I ordered, ill fitting or not......haven't heard anything in months, no parts and no refund....also extremely disappointed and surprised that any company would ruin their reputation like this.
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Well, I have not received any response from him either via Here, Email or PM as he requested.
He posted on 5/18 that he would be in touch with all who purchased sills to assist in having
something made (Spacer) in regards to the poor fitment issue of the sills.

I replied here on 5/20, sent him a pm on 6/13, sent him an email on 6/15 & 6/25 and still not
one single response to even confirm that he is still working on the issue. Very disappointing!

Same problem here sills do not fit properly weeks and now months have gone by and we never heard back regarding this spacer and any attempt to rectify the problem? I regret purchasing I should have disputed with VISA not sure if its too late to do that or not at this point or not?
Sorry you guys are having issues.

I don't think any kind of normal spacer will make that look like it belongs because the open area is the problem. You could use a small aluminum square bar with two bends as a spacer. It would need to mate with the outside edge of the sill where it would close the space. Kind of like a !_________! shape. Wouldn't be very hard but getting the bend correct may take a couple of tries.

Same problem here sills do not fit properly weeks and now months have gone by and we never heard back regarding this spacer and any attempt to rectify the problem? I regret purchasing I should have disputed with VISA not sure if its too late to do that or not at this point or not?

You better hurry up and call them. The time period varies from card to card but usually it's not long.
Dammit. This is a real let down. I tried so many times to reach Anthony. Is he just ignoring you?

Very dissapointed in this no resolve on the sills seems Anthony has left the building...

I guess my sills will become nice wall ornaments, or maybe I can find a way to hang them in my Xmas tree?
Has anybody heard from Anthony?
Just curious as I see some people never received their parts or refund $'s.
I really wanted to order this stuff to finish off my interior too [emoji24]

I really wanted to order this stuff to finish off my interior too [emoji24]

I did receive all of my parts early last year after Several Emails & PM's but he was also working on a Sill Spacer Solution.
If it did not work, he told me that he would Machine New Sills that Properly fit to replace all of the Sills that Prime Members
had ordered with poor fitment.:frown:

I did receive all of my parts early last year after Several Emails & PM's but he was also working on a Sill Spacer Solution.
If it did not work, he told me that he would Machine New Sills that Properly fit to replace all of the Sills that Prime Members
had ordered with poor fitment.:frown:

Really he claims he is going to machine us new ones if a spacer cannot be made?
I'm still waiting for a set of sills that actually fit my car when I see it I will believe it!
Really he claims he is going to machine us new ones if a spacer cannot be made?
I'm still waiting for a set of sills that actually fit my car when I see it I will believe it!
That was what he told me via PM a long time ago ... highly doubtful now as he has not
responded to PM's or Email for a very long time!
I know this thread is old, but I was about to order a bunch of stuff from Tony. He actually responded to my email a week ago about some pedals. But I'm hesitant to order now that I've come across this thread. Did any of this ever get resolved? Also, how does the shifter plate attach to the console?
I know this thread is old, but I was about to order a bunch of stuff from Tony. He actually responded to my email a week ago about some pedals. But I'm hesitant to order now that I've come across this thread. Did any of this ever get resolved? Also, how does the shifter plate attach to the console?

I ordered the pedals and have been extremely happy both with the product and the service around them.
I also ordered the sills and they weren't up to my expectations for a NSX quality product. It seems the best approach is to double stick tape them over your existing sills or double stick tape them with gaps - neither of which appealed to me. They are sitting in a box in my garage. There was never any resolution to this, but I have simply accpeted that they were a product that just didn't work out.