check out these numbers

13 March 2002
Clearwater FL
Poll #9 - October 2002 - April 2003

Topic: "My Performance Mods Include:"
Intake 9% (1034 Votes)
Headers 8% (854 Votes)
Exhaust 10% (1052 Votes)
Chip / ECU 5% (634 Votes)
Nitrous 3% (420 Votes)
Turbocharger 4% (441 Votes)
Supercharger 4% (484 Votes)
Internal Engine Work 4% (432 Votes)
Clutch / Flywheel / Gearing 6% (701 Votes)
Springs / Shocks 8% (894 Votes)
Strut / Sway Bars 6% (731 Votes)
Bushings / Toe Links 3% (393 Votes)
Wheels / Tires 11% (1139 Votes)
Brakes 7% (762 Votes)
Weight reduction (50kg or more) 4% (515 Votes)
Total Votes: 10591

(420 cars on the juice)
looks good for n20 as far as how many cars are on the juice compared to reports of blown motors,now think about all F/I And N20 cars and the number of reported blown motors for the respective choice.n20 has the HIGHEST safety record as far as I can tell from the archives of S/C,Turbo,N20
just food for thought,please feel free(I know you will) to poke holes in this point of view
Sorry I don't see N2O as an alternative to turbo or supercharging. I track my car so how many bottles would I need for a race???

Nitrous as I see it is a drag/street racing application only. The NSX is not in it's natural habitat in a drag race.

I think if you want to drag/street race, there are better cars than the NSX for this application.

As such, yes it is possible to put Nitrous on your NSX but why would you???:confused:
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I would like to see the 441 turbo cars??
I hear you there. Bogus...

David, you can't really think that what you cite is any kind of scientific data. I'm not sure what you are looking to accomplish or who you are looking to convince, but trying to draw a hypothesis from that data is ludicrous.
KGP said:
I hear you there. Bogus...

David, you can't really think that what you cite is any kind of scientific data. I'm not sure what you are looking to accomplish or who you are looking to convince, but trying to draw a hypothesis from that data is ludicrous.

KGP, I am not trying to sway or convince anyone other then myself. it is self delusional to aquire the numbers from polls that were taken on the forum 2 years ago and sight them as proof? yes it would be.

To clear up any misconception about numbers from the poll. I dont trust the poll fron 2002 either as soundsoul pointed out the turbo numbers. I am NOT against S/C nor turbo's on our cars. I should not have posted the poll I found in a second thread as hind sight does make it look like an anti F/I pro n20 spin. THIS WAS NOT THE INTENTION.
PLEASE read or better yet participate in the poll ,see that it was about how marketable a NSX would be with N20 on it or had it at one time.nothing more,although I did cheap shot a guy running a S/C at onetime and he knows why and we resolved our issue.and I was impressed with the track record of n20 on our cars running a 75 shot.

The poll is frank and to the point ,were one question can be answered (no way n20 will wreck my motor)does that sound bias?with that in mind you could take it as slamming n20. I stated very clearly in the first post to the poll that I had no input as to how many n20 NSX cars are out there.and that would be another poll (not by me,just a phrase showing who knows! as I recieved input to my poll I noticed the numbers looked about what I would expect given the strong feelings we all harbour relating to our choice of F/I and or N20.
with that said I came across a poll on this site from 2002 indicating whom had what mods including n20 and S/C and Turbo.the poll showed an even amount of cars with n20 and S/C. I DID TAKE THE NUMBERS WITH A GIANT GRAIN OF SALT. with that said heres what thought formed.

I really dont want to dig up old flame wars,hard feelings and the like but here it is.
nobody can deny the loss of many fine motors due to poor fuel management on more then one brand of S/C.yet I was seeing in my poll BTW that had nothing to do with S/C a strong backlash towards buying an NSX with n20 installed YET I have seen it as a plus in the market place here on prime and other places ,the S/C added value to the auto IMHO.hence WHY I posted the older poll.
I have been searching for n20 NSX motor melts and have only come up with a couple,one being the red NSX on the dyno with the wrong plugs installed by the tech.bye bye. overall I see very few posts regarding damage from n20.
Someone said above that this was not scientific enough due to the data.I know this but wanted fresh input from all camps.
Remember this started out to be a poll to help me decide what impact installing n20 on a NSX would have on the value of the car THATS IT,read for yourself on the poll. not a single slam on other methods.

Thats when a few of the S/C guys coped a tude about the poll making statments to the effect n20 is garbage because it is not track applicable and not their at all times.thats when I responded right or wrong about N20 HAS THIS TERRIBLE STIGMA, while F/I no problem.
I do not have to sight polls about what happened with an un-named chrger hit the market and the results.yet as I state over and over again N20 used within reason as far as shot goes has a terrific safety record.

Now as this has morphed into a thread that has nothing to to with my original intent, know how much n20 effects the resale value of the NSX as percieved by members of the forum many very long standing I am rethinking this second thread with nothing other then a poll taken by many of you 4 years ago a bad move and poorly thought out.

I will leave it up until late tonight and terminate it. I make no apology to the S/C crowd as I am joining your ranks.I want a Comptech low psi+n20
The one flaw I did not take into account is the passion that drives us all towards our respective goal of more power to the engine,and preconceived notions about other forms of power upgrades.
BadCarma said:
KGP, I am not trying to sway or convince anyone other then myself.
Okay, I guess I understand (as if that's important:biggrin:). I guess I just saw two threads yesterday that had to do pretty much with the same hypothesis, and really didn't understand what you were looking for. Hey, if N2O is someones thing, so be it. Spray on, boost on - whatever!:smile: Or, in my case - blow your ride to smithereens.:biggrin:
No "tude" here mate... If you want to put your X on the juice and go drag/street racing... Hey knock your self out! As long as you have fun doing it right!

I just wondered why you would introduce the reliability of FI vs Nitros into the thread if in fact you WEREN'T comparing the two???
I know of a blown NSX motor in San Antonio due to N20.
AU_NSX said:
Sorry I don't see N2O as an alternative to turbo or supercharging. I track my car so how many bottles would I need for a race???

Nitrous as I see it is a drag/street racing application only. The NSX is not in it's natural habitat in a drag race.

I think if you want to drag/street race, there are better cars than the NSX for this application.

As such, yes it is possible to put Nitrous on your NSX but why would you???:confused:
sure, I think most people would go with a turbo or supercharging setup, But not that many people have $5,000-$10,000 to go the route. VS $1,000 for a No2 set-up done right, and used right. You can enjoy the extra power from time to time. $ is the reason for most people
mattd said:
I know of a blown NSX motor in San Antonio due to N20.

Well are you going to share with us or just inform us what we already know,ALL forms of boost can go south,by sharing the details perhaps someone will know WHY the motor blew and share the fix.good for all. so share the tech details,what type of setup and what safety systems built in or lack their of.
BadCarma said:
AU_NSX, you were not whom I was refering to in regards to a additude, and that matter is-was handled by both of us,no bad blood. BUT AU ,man you were pretty harsh on the whole n20 scene.just so you dont get the wrong idea we are not having races on crowded streets during rush hour traffic leaving behind us the carnage incured from an xtreme street racing playstation game:biggrin:

No worries... :wink:

So your not looking to get a bit more oomph out of your NSX because you've had a drive of a Ferrari ENZO and got used the power but accidentally crashed it early one morning... :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin:

Actually I didn't mean anything bad by saying that N2O is only good for street/drag racing either. Street/Drag racing is a culture which was born in the States and it has a huge following. I know that many people follow it and I have even attended a few events as a spectator. The whole atmosphere is like a medieval jousting competition. So I was not using Street/Drag racing in a derogative manner at all. It is a legitimate form of motor sport which N2O is perfect for!