Check engine Light

9 June 2007
Maple Valley, WA
Today I had the cel light come on that wont go off.I Checked the code by the ol paper clip method with a one blinker. Looking up the code It seems to be an O2 sensor. But I thought I would ask to be sure Im reading the chart correctly. Someones verification would be great.

Are the TSC and CEL lights on when driving? (in non-diagnostic mode)

I had this a few months ago and took it to the dealer... was a bad o2 sensor... they replaced it for free under the extended emissions warranty... :biggrin:
No tcs or any other lights on while driving, just the cel light . However maybe unrelated I stepped on it today got the end to come out a bit tcs kicked in then the clutch started slipping pretty bad and left a smoke trail behind me. Smells like burnt clutch now. Doesnt really chatter at all with my normal grandma driving style but Im wondering if this can happen when tcs kicks in the brakes to stop the back end from coming out or (not as exciting) its time to get a new clutch at 26K miles.:frown:

I appreciate your knowledgable input thankyou.
TCS does not engage the brakes. I'm sure you're clutch is fine. My original clutch lasted 130,000 miles and the current one has 65,000 miles on it and I don't drive like a grandma. Well maybe one addicted to crack. :)