OK, so it's a nice day and I'm out for a spin in my "new to me", 03 NSX. I go into a very tight corner at moderate speed, and the check engine light comes on in the middle of the corner. Yikes! There goes my nice day. The performance of the car did not seem to change in any way. So my questions are:
1. Where is the connector to read the codes?
2. Is there a DIY way to read the codes? (LED is series with a resistor, etc.)
3. Any guesses as what I should do next besides taking the car to my local Acura dealer and bending over.
I'm an electrical engineer, so you can talk technical concerning things electrical and I am quite proficient mechanically.
Thanks for any help you can provide...
1. Where is the connector to read the codes?
2. Is there a DIY way to read the codes? (LED is series with a resistor, etc.)
3. Any guesses as what I should do next besides taking the car to my local Acura dealer and bending over.
I'm an electrical engineer, so you can talk technical concerning things electrical and I am quite proficient mechanically.
Thanks for any help you can provide...