Check Engine Light- Can't ID codes!

7 April 2009
Chicago, IL
Out of nowhere, my check engine light came on when I turned the car on last night. I already tried pulling the clock fuse to no effect. Next, I got some wire and looped the OBDII connector, and got the CEL and ABS light pattern described below.

CEL: 8 slow flashes, 7 quick flashes (87??? This doesn't match anything I can find!).
While the CEL repeated that pattern over and over, the ABS light rotated through 3 different codes at the same time:
ABS: 6 slow, 1 quick (61); 1 slow, 2 quick (12); 5 slow, 4 quick (54)

I can find all but "87" in the SM. To be completely honest, I am pretty clueless when it comes to what 12, 54, and 61 really mean... but at least they are in the book.

Background: My car is a 2003, supercharged, AEM FMS. I am in Germany, so it's hard to just roll up to a dealer and expect them to know what to do with an NSX.

This problem came out of the blue. I was cruising the autobahn in the afternoon and parked back home until evening. If it means anything, I did take the spare tire out and put it back in right before starting the car in the evening (though I don't think any of those faults might be related to something I could have knocked loose?), at which time the CEL came on. I'm not sure what to do now except leave the NSX sitting in the driveway until I can perhaps track someone down that can inspect those possible faults. :( Any help is appreciated.
Are you sure you didn't short a battery terminal or jostle a loose battery terminal when removing/reinstalling the spare tire? It seems an odd coincidence that this started after moving the big heavy thing that sits right in front of the battery. You did say it was evening, maybe you hit something & didn't see it.

If OBDII is working (don't know about your AEM preserving that or not or European vs. US differences), why not get a real OBDII code reader and see what it spits out? A lot of auto parts stores here have code readers & will read codes for free. Don't know if they do that there or if you can make it to one.
It does seem very strange, especially 4 different codes suddenly. If it was a short, wouldn't pulling the clock fuse reset it?

Along those lines though, I have a question. I pulled fuse 16 (7.5A) for 30 seconds, put it back in, and without starting the engine the same sequence of flashes from the CEL/ABS appeared. If it did reset, would these codes immediately surface again without running the engine or anything? I wonder if it truly reset. This is my first time diagnosing issues like this, so perhaps it requires something I'm not thinking of.

Does anyone have experience with AEM ? Would this change up the diagnostic codes being put out?
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