Cheated on my car today.

23 October 2000
Saint Augustine, FL
I stopped by the Subaru dealership after work today. They had an 02 Z06 for sale and I thought I would take a look. I took it for a spin. WOW. It is FAST as HELL. It was scary fast! The acceleration was amazing. Everything else pretty much sucked. The car was HUGE. Felt like driving a boat. The interior was sub par. Build quality a little better than a cavalier. The clutch and gear shift was pretty good, but not as nice as the NSX. Overall, I was not sold.

Then I took out a Subi STI. I must admit, it was pretty fun. Lots of power. That boost comes on HARD above 3500. It is deceptively fast. The car was very easy to corner with and the steering was really quick. The visibility was not very good with a GIANT scoop on the hood and a huge spolier on the rear. The interior was actually very nice. I was more impressed with the STI than the Z06.

Then I got back in the NSX. Ah, it just felt right. Everything where it should be. Yes, it doesn't have the crazy accleration, but it does everything else so well. And the engine soound is just so much better than the other cars.

On the way home as I was at a stoplight and this guy next to me rolls down his window and takes a picture. I smiled. Bet that doesn't happen too often in a Z06 or STI :)
Shame on you, you don't deserve to be here. Go get a Z06 or STI and go to their forum. J/K :D

I never drove Z06 before, but I test drove my friend's STI about a month ago. I like that car, not bad for something around 30K range. But when I look at that car I see a heavily mod Corolla. other than the look, I'd say it's a pretty fun car to drive.
All you need is alittle extreme makeover (CTSC) on your car and you will not cheat on her again. ;)
HPV100 said:
All you need is alittle extreme makeover (CTSC) on your car and you will not cheat on her again. ;)

I hear ya. First I need an extreme makeover on my wallet :)
Corvette is a sports-car and it really doesn't rattle as much as everyone says it does. Mine has 33K on the odometer and is still pretty tight. I wish the NSX came stock with 350HP (sigh)

O-Ace said:
Corvette is a sports-car and it really doesn't rattle as much as everyone says it does. Mine has 33K on the odometer and is still pretty tight. I wish the NSX came stock with 350HP (sigh)


Hey I like the new headlights!!!! Makes it look like a C5 1/2! :D
I haven't had the pleasure of riding or driving a C5 corvette. I have ridden in a STi and quite honestly wasn't impressed.
I do really like the power available to me in my TL. Granted it is just a family sedan and all but with 270hp and 238 tq, it can get down the road just fine.
I really want to drive an EVO or a STI for myself to see what all the fuss is about. Honestly, I had a C5 and I really don't remember the interior to be all that awful. I love the NSX interior, but my one complaint is that the look of the stereo never changed and looks really outdated. My wife won't believe me when I tell her the newer ones have the same radio. Small price to pay for everything else you get.
jlindy said:
I really want to drive an EVO or a STI for myself to see what all the fuss is about.

Honestly, stock these cars are nothing special. They are bargains for what you get and you can tune them easily with a small budget to get serious numbers out of them. This is why there is so much fuss about them IMO. I have driven each of them and the NSX is a class act compared to them.
NetViper said:
On the way home as I was at a stoplight and this guy next to me rolls down his window and takes a picture. I smiled. Bet that doesn't happen too often in a Z06 or STI :)

Heh, I've gotten that quite a bit lately - catching people with their camera phones out and looking at my car. Even see people walking up and looking inside of it or taking pics of it it when it's parked infront of our shop :D .

Agreed, the STi (and EVO for that matter) is pretty cool to drive and is fun to take around the course for a couple of laps, but the NSX just feels more refined and feels like a real race/track car. Haven't driven the Z06.