Would inconel be a metal the aerospace industry uses? Just asking.
FWIW, most big header manufacturers offer ceramic coating for their headers and many offer multiple types as well. And as the previous poster has noted, it's trickled down to the NSX community too.
Found this article on the topic of inconel(http://files.aws.org/wj/2006/12/wj200612/wj1206-24.pdf) for headers, man you have good insight and just finished an hour long conversation with my engine builder, seems he has know about this for a few years and was suprised I didn't know! Well no excuse but my head hasn't back into cars at this level until this year when we (family)decided it was time for Daddy to start up his hobby again, I have been doing a more important job (Daddy) which I've never done before, so after a six year hiatus. I'm back and getting bench racing help from my new found comarades in the nsx forum.:biggrin:
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