center tail light removal

16 May 2004
Currently in the Middle East
so does the entire tail light have to come out just to remove the center tail light or can it be removed on its own...looked at SOS DIY not sure if i understood it correctly

who else has removed the emblames in the rear....thats my project this weekend?

any pics?
It can be removed without removing the other light assembly. Get a long socket wrench I don't remember the size.
I did mine a few weeks ago and it's not difficult. Pull back the truck carpeting in that area and you'll see that there are 4 8mm nuts holding the pece to the car. As noted you'll need a deep-set socket for at least 2 of them. Once you get it off, there are 3 screws holding a molding to the top of the piece. To separate the outer lens, soak it for awhile in hot water--it loosens up the goop which holds in on. Be careful whem prying the lens off as I ubderstand that they can crack easilty. Once off, the letters come off very easily with your fingernail--they are made of a plastic tape. Upon reassembly, clean up the original goop as best as possible as and put a bit of fresh silicone whindshield sealer around the mounting area.
You must be having a real hard time with it since you posted this twice.

Metric nut driver set works well and its a cheap investment that will give you your moneys worth
What size nut was backing this - 8mm? (need to get the deep well socket)