Caution when dealing with Jim @ MECHTECH

2 November 2001
Houston Tx
This may ruffle a few feathers but hopefully it will save someone else from going through what I went through in Dealing with Jim McFarland at MechTech. After he refunded my deposit it a somewhat timely manner, I was going to give him the benefit of the doubt and drop it. But I am bothered by things I keep hearing things from other people that have spoken to him since. So here is a warning to anyone dealing with Jim.

You may remember a thread about the 415 HP NSX for sale. You know the “Good Deal On E-bay”. After talking with Jim I decided to purchase this car. It was described as in “Showroom Condition”, and having “Flawless” paint, and “never wrecked”. So I WIRED him a $500.00 deposit. I then spent $500 in airline tickets to fly to San Diego. When I got there, I saw the worst example of an NSX I have ever seen.
1. The Hood was badly misaligned. IMO, not in his.
2. The paint SUCKED, There were hideous drips along the edges of the headlights,
Bubbles in the “Body Colored” valance above the tail pipe,
Gouges where someone side swiped a construction barrel on the highway,
These were deep and filled in with touch-up paint. (Remember this is supposed to be un-wrecked with FLAWLESS paint)
Did I mention that the firewall and engine bay were BLACK, so this was repainted a different color. IMO not flawless, in his it was.
3. The Leather was hard and discolored. IMO not showroom condition.
4. The Center console was broken on both sides of the ashtray.
5. The driver’s side door panel was broken and would not lock in place.
6. The driver’s side door was removed and beat up in the hinge area.
7. The Radiator support beam was creased, don’t how this happened but the fact that the front bumper cover was removed and replaced with mismatching bolts give me the suspicion it was wrecked, not to mention the fact that I could barely get my hand between the hood and bumper to trip the latch. He felt that was normal.
I’ll stop here as I’m sure you get the picture, however if anyone insists I can continue, as I did drive it.

So after driving the car, I was convinced I was pissed. And preceded to calmly and respectfully inform Jim I was very disappointed, and felt he misrepresented the car, remember I wired him $500.00 I wanted it back. This is his response.

“ I’m trying to sell a car, I wasn’t going to tell you any thing that might dissuade you from buying it.”

This is where I turned around and walked out. Convinced I would never see my deposit.

To my surprise, Jim was good enough to refund my deposit, (Thanks) but he still cost me about a $1500 in airfare, cab fare, hotel fare, and missed work. As I stated before I was going to drop the issue but it seems that Jim, though he is NOT a crook, is a liar.

I received a call from someone who was flying to San Diego to buy the car; He was next in line and wanted to know what I thought about it. He then said that Jim told him that the previous buyer (ME) had his finances fall through and that was why the car was for sale again. I guess he didn’t want to dissuade him either.

Then another poster in the forum was told the same thing. After speaking with them I realized Jim would say just about anything to sell this car.

Then comes Jim’s posse, or a friend, or an acquaintance. They proceed to put their foot in their mouth by talking about “something they know nothing about.” Of course they didn’t want to “burn” anyone in the public forum. Here’s a quote. “I’m the “Friend” :c)

“Well, that's a pretty harsh statement for something you know nothing about or simply just do not fathom how a business transaction is made. What you didn't mention is that your "friend" sent Jim a PERSONAL check that had not cleared yet. Who in there right mind is going to give cash back for a check that has not cleared. What is to say that your "friend" is not going to place a stop payment on the check or simply not have sufficient funds for the check to clear leaving Jim empty handed after he gives $500 cash. Maybe if your "friend" had any business sense he would know that a deposit is to be made with certified funds like a cashiers check???”

After reading the message I realized that this guy was just like me, he was LIED to by Jim. It really wasn’t his fault; I thought it was kind of ironic since I WIRED the money.

Anyway, since that makes four people that have been lied to by Jim about an insignificant car purchase, I felt it my duty to warn you guys that Jim McFarland owner of MECHTECH will say just about anything to make a sale.

I would suggest asking someone on the forum to check out an NSX for you. They may live near by and would probably be happy to help.

I had 2 NSXs that I wanted to check out. In both cases (one in VA, one in PA), there was someone who lived near by that was willing to inspect the car for me. (Both happen to also be NSX owners).

If you need to check out an NSX in MD, I can do it. Save you some time.

97 NSX-T
Spa Yellow
Not a crook? A distinction without a difference?

He is a crook. Avoid this liar and thief at all costs.

Your experience points to the need for a VIN list of cars that are known to be "unclean." This would help maintain the value of clean vehicles.
I went with Jonathan to look at this car so I can tell you that this NSX is truely a piece of trash. This car would definitely qualify for the unclean list.
That just plain sucks. Its too bad there are people like that. I also agree that there needs to be a list of NSX's that fit this profile. Such a list will save people money and time.
It would be pretty hard to do that fairly since everyone has different opinions about a car's condition. Also, some good cars may be essentially "blacklisted" based on opinion and that may or may not be fair to the owner. I believe that known salvaged cars should be listed just as Lud has done because that is based on the DMV and insurance info and is fair.
We are moving in that direction (a registry by VIN #). It is taking a lot longer than I initially hoped but version 1.0 should be ready this summer.

The biggest part of making it fair will be to state only facts. If a car is a repaint, that is a fact. If a car has a new front end, that is a fact. We can simply avoid speculation on why those things have taken place if nobody has first-hand knowledge.

As part of making it "fair," we probably need to establish OBJECTIVE measures for evaluating cosmetic condition, sort of like they use when judging cars, but probably with more detailed explanations for each rating.
Hey,Lud I've got the vin on a dog of a 91 that was in to my dealer recently,let me know if you'd like it for a beware list.
Yeah, e-mail it to me and I'll add it when the system is up and running.