Cars For The Cure Central Florida auto Fest

27 December 2004

The 4th Annual “Cars for the Cure” Auto Show extravaganza will be held the weekend of February 1st – 3rd 2008 at beautiful Colonial TownPark in Heathrow/Lake Mary Florida. This charitable event, with proceeds going to support the American Lung Association of Florida, promises to be like none other.

VIP RECEPTION - Friday February 1st, 6pm - 8pm
Get the VIP treatment when you attend our exclusive pre-show party for sponsors and car registrants only. The party will take place at Ruth Chris Steakhouse in Lake Mary, FL. The American Lung Association offers you an open bar and hors d’oeuvres. Participants anticipate the biggest, baddest car show of the year, here in Central Florida.

AUTO SHOWING - Saturday February 2nd, 10am - 4pm
This all-day show is the auto enthusiasts dream! You will be able to enjoy a perfect day walking the Colonial TownPark concourse, viewing some of the most powerful and highly-tuned cars from around the world on display for public viewing: International and American Customs, European Exotics, High Power Racers, custom bikes and more. The streets are lined with great shops, restaurants and attractions as well as a variety of sponsor and vendor booths to make your visit relaxing and enjoyable.

SUNDAY DRIVE - Sunday February 3rd, 9am
This is a great tradition open to registered participants only. We will depart at 10am from Colonial TownPark and take a cruise some of the most scenic highways in Central Florida escorted by The Florida Department of Highway Patrol. This is one more chance to show off your car and enjoy a Sunday Drive with other car enthusiasts.

Standard Entry $125
This Registration Fee includes one car entry, two tickets to the VIP Reception on Friday February 1, 2008 at Ruth's Chris as well as participation in the Sunday Drive.
Hey all...
Just wanted to remind everyone that the event is now fast approaching and promises to be a blast : )

February 1st...Ruth Chris's Flagship restaurant at Colonial TP (Venue) is providing the kickoff reception Friday from5pm to 7pm...all food & cocktails with lots of room and display parking area...entrant and a guest

February 2nd...the show at Colonial TP from 10am to 4pm ...all types of cars, bikes, vendors, etc and perfect weather ; ) oh...and lots of awards....

February 3rd...the senic drive for entrants only with police escort ; ) fun but safe !!

all for only a $125 donation to the American Lung association : ) remember that everything associated with this event is considered in relationship to the charitable event (write off : )

VIP RED CARPET ENTRANT... get the VIP treatment throughout the weekend for your cars placement at the event/multible guest at the reception/recognition throughout the event as a red carpet entrant and much more : ) $2500.....

Please register online at and also spread the word...

several magazines will be covering the show (American Driver, Lake Mary Life, Seminole, Lifestyles, Orlando Style)
Listen for plugs on Real radio 104.1 & Real Rock 101.1/will be at the show
watch for the TV commercials on Speed & Wesh NBC...etc etc...

All the best,


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This looks like a good show, any NSX there in the past? Have any of you Orlando guys gone to this? Todd, Oster any opinions.
This is held about .5 mile down the road from me. :biggrin:

I went last year, but didn't enter the NSX. It keeps growing in size every year. It was kinda cold and rainy last year, but it was still a very large turnout of cars and people.

It's a lot like the Celebration event, but on a smaller scale. Overall, I'd give it a *thumbs up.*
would love to have you guys : ) will be recognizing Marines this year (back from Iraq) various military vehicles, honor guards are looking quite impressive to :smile:
Todd (Feetfxr) Has usualy goe to this event, and he ahs always sid it was a very nice Event. A very well put together type show.
For whatever unfortunate reason, they havent had a, Nsx Class to be judged. I know more guys would participate if more accomodating.
But Nabil is registered :biggrin:
