Cars and Coffe every Sat. 8-10:30

Hey Dan,
I am always at Car and Coffee. I help head up the parking lot with Tommy and Vic. I just got tired of posting on this site because No One here responds or comes out. NSX Prime is dead in seattle and I have tried for over 2 years to spark the nsx community here but no one responds. If you want to know what is going on the local car community. Go to that is my new home.

I'll be in Ocean Shores playing golf in a charity event. I'm going to try and make it next weekend tho, since I think I'm free.
Hey Dan,
I am always at Car and Coffee. I help head up the parking lot with Tommy and Vic. I just got tired of posting on this site because No One here responds or comes out. NSX Prime is dead in seattle and I have tried for over 2 years to spark the nsx community here but no one responds. If you want to know what is going on the local car community. Go to that is my new home.

Feel the same w/you on 6
Hey it was nice meeting you too. Even though there were only 2 nsx's it was a good meet. We should get everyone together and go cruising sometime. :smile:
I should be there as usual. Gotta test out my new camera lens too. :cool:
Who are you people? hehe. I'll be there for sure, like always.
I'll be there for about an hour - have to leave by 9'ish. But I won't be bringing the NSX. Just noticed the start time is now 9am. May want to change the title of the thread or start a new one... I will only be able to stay til about 9:30 at the latest.
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You guys have some nice, clean NSX's!! I saw the cars but didn't really see the owners so I didn't have a chance to talk to anyone. :/ There's always next time!

Yeah same here. There were 8 NSXs there that I counted, which is a new record for this event.
hey all,

don't post too much on here, but check it quite often. looking to meet the NSX delegation at RTC this sat - June 4. anyone going? i see a handful of nsx's in the pics. are they primer's?


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