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Carbon 6 Release: XP Tie Rod

Getting ready to ship the next 7 pair today. I will be sending PM's to.

3: racer9x
4: Shaylord Paid/shipped
5: Ponyboy Paid/shipped
6: gsrboy (passed)
7: scammy Paid/shipped
8: Alas-NSX Paid/shipped
9: synergy004
10: Phoenix599 Paid/shipped
11: ISR Paid/shipped
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got them in the mail yesterday awesome thanks Jeff even came with instuctions i am impressed, not used to that with some products here :-)
Nicely packaged too
Carbon6 Tie rods (2).jpgCarbon6 Tie rods (1).jpg

Received the XP Tie Rod's today. They arrived in perfect condition. Thank you for making products such as this in support of the NSX community!
I now have 9 sets available and ready to ship for the XP Tie Rods. Thank you for your patience. I will be starting a new list. Please PM me your Paypal email address and postal code and I'll send you an invoice.

1. None
2. None
3. JDM FOB Paid/Shipped
4. EK4 hatchback Paid/Shipped
5. None
6. docjohn Paid/Shipped
7. Ko-nsx Paid/Shipped
9. MVM Paid/Shipped
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Jeff where am I at in line.?
missed but not forgotten.:redface:
Any installed pics?

Here is an image of the tie rod installed and the boot removed. The hardware was updated from this prototype. The new hardware has a flanged bolt in place of the socket head in the image. The flange head has a lower profile and a better seat area.

ok I payed ...pal :smile:
received mine......packaged nicely...smaller than I imagined...:redface:......thanks for a solid piece.