Caravan to NSXPO 2013

I initially came up with the 9am estimate assuming RSO/docjohn's travel time from the NYC area. Gonna wait to hear from them if the timing is still good. Do you think there would still be traffic after 9am going southbound past Beltway? I didn't think there would be.
Due to last minute work constraints on my end it is probably wiser not to wait for me and DocJohn. If we can catch up, we will but I can't guarantee a meeting time unfortunately.

thanks for thinking of us though!
hey southern guys...what is the quicker route to the hotel 95-64-40...or 85-147-40? or something else.?
I personally choose to minimize driving any route that sticks to I-95. It is by far the most popular N/S highway on the East coast so in my mind, it is better to get on I-85. I believe Google Maps recommends the I-85 route as well.
So right now the situation is that the docjohn/RSO have encouraged us DC guys to do our own thing. Given that, I am inclined to do Dan's slightly more scenic route in blue:


That should make it easy to meet up with Jhouser who is closer to the Charlottesville area. Personally I would still like to leave earlier (like 9am or so if not even 8am or so from Alexandria). Consider that it is about a 50% chance of rain Friday morning right now and that will probably follow us at least part of the way down to Raleigh. I want time to wash my car and put a thin layer of wax on it at least before settling in.

Dan and James, what's your vote?

Also we all have radios now I believe. Dan has Bryan's radios, I just purchased a pair and James apparently has as well. Between the three of us I think communication should be good.

Again for those coming through the DC area on Friday morning: do NOT underestimate how bad DC traffic can get in the mornings. DC is one of the worst cities in the country for traffic (even I think so and I learned to drive in SoCal). I believe only Honolulu has more wasted hours in traffic. Combine the typical morning traffic with a) rain and b) a planned trucker protest on the most traveled section of the Beltway and I would expect the DC area to be a true clusterfuck come Friday morning. Plan accordingly!
Plan B for me may be a saturday departure....shaved ra1's sucky in rain.
Yeah rain is now estimated at 90% for Friday morning in the DC area. Raleigh's forecast for Friday has moved up as well, from 20% to 30%.