car value after a complete paint job

31 May 2007
i plan on repainting the car next year with different color. not very different though. currently, car is red with blk top and i wz thinking of having it changed to candy apple red. no body work needed, just a complete change of color.

my questions is, will the value of the car go down drastically if i try to sell it int he future?
Other cars, not really, esp. if it looks nice. Collector cars/exotics, yes. So if your going to paint a NSX make sure your going to wide body it and do a nice show car if you exspect to get any money out of it. I have sold a custom painted Lexus GS before for a good amount but it also look buetiful when done.
Here are the reasons that I can think of off the top of my head why a color-change paint job can diminish resale value:

1) the color might not be as widely appealing as the (an) OEM color
2) there will be areas where you likely won't have matching paint (whole door jamb, under hood, engine compartment, under trunk) and places where you surely won't have matching paint (under carpet, behind seats, behind dash)
3) the actual quality of aftermarket paint, unless you spend a lot to have it prepped, applied and buffed correctly, usually isn't as "nice" as the NSX OEM paint

Those are the things I'd be thinking about if I were considering a color change. They're also the things I'd be thinking about if I were considering buying a car with a color change.

i see. well, i dont plan on putting a wide body kit. i just want it to look nice and clean and with new wheels of course. i love the red color, dont get me wrong. just considering a new look in the future.


Other cars, not really, esp. if it looks nice. Collector cars/exotics, yes. So if your going to paint a NSX make sure your going to wide body it and do a nice show car if you exspect to get any money out of it. I have sold a custom painted Lexus GS before for a good amount but it also look buetiful when done.
It's your car so you should do what you want.

1. Is making it the color of your choice what you want?


2. Is keeping better resale value what you want?

If it were me, I'd paint it the same OEM color. Changing the color will lower it's value for resale.
I always try to put myself in someone else's shoe. If I was shopping for an NSX, I personally would not even give an NSX a second look if it had any significant amount of body work, especially a color change. Even if it really was just a color change, and the car was pristine before, I will still have to pass.
The value of any car is truly only relative to what someone else is willing to pay for it. And any car, even the NSX, is not a good investment.

So unless you were able to find another buyer that wanted your car in Candy Apple Red, the likelihood is that a repaint will either not improve the value of the car (so you've thrown away any money you put into the repaint) or diminish the value of the car.

However, if you are doing this because it's what you want to do... then forget about the resale value and enjoy your car the way you want to.
NSX owner here who use to own a High End Car Dealership....

From the perspective from an Exotic Car Buyer and dealer who use to buy/sell... anyimte I saw a repainted Ferrari/NSX etc. I wondered why it was repinted. Obviously I can run a paint meter over it to detect bondo/filler etc... But custom colors always run me away and it is common for them to fetch lower prices at auctions b/c it scares dealers b/c they have no idea what they are getting.

SO... Here is my advice just incase YOU DO DECIDE TO REPAINT


Take pics of your car before... during and after process. Document your pics with a slice of paper with the date on it. Make sure to include pics of mileage too.

So just make sure you write neatly on a slice of paper the date and any info you might want to include ON ALL PICS.

Something Like this:

1991 ACURA NSX Repaint Documentation
DONE BY WXYZ Body Shop in City, State

Take pics as you drop it off with body shop sign in background... date paper you made in the pic. Take pics of each section of car/body panel rock chips and scratches etc. so they see exact shape of car before work... Takes pics of them taking the car apart... take pics of them sanding it down... take pics of the painting process... take pics of the painting process... take pics of them putting it back together. Always include your paper documentation.

By having the itimized paper work from the body shop of what you had done and the dates from it and your pics... you can show that you painted the car for show/aesthetical purposes and not for any sort of body damage/collision/ reasons. That'll take the mystery out of it for future buyers.

If you're worried abour resale but want it done... I'd do that... and I'd pay to have it done right... and it'll cost ya. It's worth it though. I've seen poorly painted 91s sell for 19 and I've seen well painted ones with similiar miles sell for 34... as of a about a year or so ago. Remember red fades fast... especially when it's not from the factory... so this is yet another reason to get a pro body shop to do it... Otherwise you'll be repainteg again in 5 years.

Find someone who knows how to work with aluminum... don't use bondo/filler... make sure you know their process and what they'll be doing to the car... I had one of my 91s repainted at a place that does lots of Ferrari's/aluminum and I was shocked when I went by the shop and saw them using some sort of filler on an area that had no damage to it. I made them buy me a new door as I told them no bondo/filler and I have no idea why they were using it on a perfect area in the first place unless they dinged it in the shop behind my back (and I as there everyday!).

I'd try to strip it down and have them paint the door sills/etc. CHECK out some cars they have painted... check for overspray... check under car for over spray... check door jambs etc... see if they are good.. interview several places...

P.S. If you treat the guys at the shop well... they'll treat you well... the guy who painted mine was into honda... the NSX in particular.. I discovered this before he did the work... told him we'd go for spin and to some shows etc. when it was all over... and brought him car mags/food while he was working on it... they knew me by name and I was able to develop a relationship with them and hence was able to get better service/walk in the back and snap pics etc...

DON'T just hear someone is good and drop your car off and go back for it a month later...
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tks for the adv guys...real appreciate it. i will keep in mind of all these things you mentioned before i even attempt to repaint the the whole car.
if i paint it with the new formula red, will it help keep the value up still?
btw, the car is only driven on wknds and planning not to exceed over 100k miles if i do sell it.

IMO I would paint it the same color or if you like the NEW FORMULA RED... Good Luck!
if i paint it with the new formula red, will it help keep the value up still?
btw, the car is only driven on wknds and planning not to exceed over 100k miles if i do sell it.

It looks from your signature that your car is currently red.

If the paint is currently in bad condition, you won't get a premium price when you sell it. That can't be argued.

Only you can decide if the cost of a re-paint (a re-paint, even in the same color, by a good shop that takes the time to do the kind of job the factory did will still cost you several thousands of dollars (at least here in S. CA)) is worth it. You might get more money for the car when you sell it. You might find folks that are scared of the re-paint no matter what.

But you should also consider the value of you being happy with the way the car looks from now until when you sell it.

As I said above, you need to remember... cars, even the NSX, are lousy investments.
well, since i only got her about a month ago, let me enjoy what i have for now and maybe in the long run, i can make a decision whether to keep the car or sell then i can go on with other future mods. i keep forgetting the posts pics of the car since im considered a new owner here, btw....hehe
will posts on separate thread.
If your car already had paintwork done, I don't think it will make much of a difference. Non-OEM colors might not appeal to everyone, so you might limit the size of the pool of potential buyers.
paint is still original matter of fact. i just dont think i can keep the formula red for a long time. if i do decide to keep the car then i will consider changing color.

If your car already had paintwork done, I don't think it will make much of a difference. Non-OEM colors might not appeal to everyone, so you might limit the size of the pool of potential buyers.
paint is still original matter of fact. i just dont think i can keep the formula red for a long time. if i do decide to keep the car then i will consider changing color.
It would make more sense to sell the car, and buy a car in the color you want.

Compare typical numbers:

1. Take an NSX worth $30K, spend $8K repainting it, and you have an NSX worth $24K that you spent $38K for.

2. Take an NSX worth $30K, sell it for $30K, buy another NSX for $30K in the color you want, and you have an NSX worth $30K that you spent $30K for.

Your choice.
good point. sometimes i wish i got a white one instead of red but it's my first nsx and im very happy!

It would make more sense to sell the car, and buy a car in the color you want.

Compare typical numbers:

1. Take an NSX worth $30K, spend $8K repainting it, and you have an NSX worth $24K that you spent $38K for.

2. Take an NSX worth $30K, sell it for $30K, buy another NSX for $30K in the color you want, and you have an NSX worth $30K that you spent $30K for.

Your choice.
It would make more sense to sell the car, and buy a car in the color you want.

Compare typical numbers:

1. Take an NSX worth $30K, spend $8K repainting it, and you have an NSX worth $24K that you spent $38K for.

2. Take an NSX worth $30K, sell it for $30K, buy another NSX for $30K in the color you want, and you have an NSX worth $30K that you spent $30K for.

Your choice.

The only item that I want to point out in Ken's logic above is sales tax. I don't know where the original poster lives but here in CA, we pay sales tax on the purchase of any car (new or used). That can and should enter into your calculations.

But as I said before, cars are poor investments no matter what. Do what will make you happy.
The only item that I want to point out in Ken's logic above is sales tax. I don't know where the original poster lives but here in CA, we pay sales tax on the purchase of any car (new or used). That can and should enter into your calculations.
True. And the sales tax is usually paid by the buyer, not by the seller. So, using the above hypothetical numbers, and assuming your state and local sales tax rate is 7.25 percent, you would actually be losing .0725*$30K=$2175 in the second example by selling your car and buying another one, vs $14K in the first example.
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I wouldn't buy a repainted one but I'd paint mine if I wanted to cause I'd never wanna get rid of it anyway... I tend to keep cars a lot.
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what about painting the roof red to match with the car ?
will that affect anything for future sale ?
what about painting the roof red to match with the car ?
will that affect anything for future sale ?

Really good ?
I'm wondering about this too!
I would imagine that repainting the roof a color to match the car (as long as you prove, as previously mentioned, that the repaint wasn't due to an accident / replacement) that it would be kinda like adding a set of rims or an exhaust to the car...

it shouldn't necessarily depreciate the car, and with the right buyer (somebody that wants a color matched roof to begin with) you could recoup a portion of the expenses (although I wouldn't imagine you would recoup a lot of it).

If you are just going to repaint the roof, I would have to say it isn't going to LOWER the value but you would have to find the right buyer to get a better return on the cost...