Car Opinions

17 August 2002
Cold, snow north...
1. What do all of you think about mazda rx 7s? I think they kinda look like a 'smoothed' out NSX much more than the 2002 model in the front. Are they available in Automatic? what is the pricerange and acutal reliablity?

2. Just wondering how much ypu all think a 91 auto red/black with under 50K miles should go for..I am thinkin of getting one.

ps i know autos are notas good as manauls...but I already have a 6spd 97 nsx and it is, well, annoying to drive in the city/ spot go traffic in a hilly area to say the least, I am not going to trade down the 97, but rather thinking of trading my 99 prelude up. opinions?
Originally posted by nsxtasy:
The Mazda RX-7 has a horrendous reputation for reliability. HORRENDOUS.

Don't do it.

True, but at current pricing, you could always get two and keep one for spares, LOL!
Auraptor- go to the picture gallery and look at posts within the last 60 days or so...I have a set of pics with my NSX next to an RX7 both lowered w/ can see the comparison.....also I agree with the issues with this car, but they are fast if you can find a babied one..
To further illustrate what nsxtasy means by horrendous, goto and search nationwide on 93 or 94 rx-7s. You will be amazed at the quantity of cars that are on their second or third engine. I'm sure it is a fun car when running properly, but jeez...
Originally posted by milz50:
To further illustrate what nsxtasy means by horrendous, goto and search nationwide on 93 or 94 rx-7s. You will be amazed at the quantity of cars that are on their second or third engine. I'm sure it is a fun car when running properly, but jeez...

I do not think I have ever seen a gen 3 for sale with the original motor still running.
Steveny- that white one with me in the pic. gallery ( mountain run title) has 85k miles on it, original eng. AND turbos, and clutch..and its modded..lucky guy, I burned all mine by 60k...
Originally posted by 5inchfatlip:
Steveny- that white one with me in the pic. gallery ( mountain run title) has 85k miles on it, original eng. AND turbos, and clutch..and its modded..lucky guy, I burned all mine by 60k...

Impressive, still its an exception. Nice looking car BTW. I always loved the styling but I knew the reliability issues would frustrate me.
wow. I never knew that they, well, sucked so much. so much for option one. how about 2. How much do you think i should pay for a 91-92 nsx red on black auto with less than 60k miles? I want one in 'very good' condition. perfect wouold be nice, but costs more =) Really, where could I find one for the best price? help would be nice.


1999 Honda Prelude (new daily driver)
1998 BMW 750iL
1997 NSX
1982 BMW 633CSi
Originally posted by Auraraptor:
wow. I never knew that they, well, sucked so much...

The RX-7s don't "suck", but here is a paraphrase of what Sport Compact Car magazine said about them: "The RX-7 is the best sports car ever built. It does everthing well, and then it blows up!!"

I too would stay far away from them (although they do look cool - just not near as cool as an NSX)

'91 Black/Black

[This message has been edited by Michigan NSX (edited 12 September 2002).]
I actually think Auraraptor would be the perfect candidate for buying a 3rd Gen RX-7.
This would be a 5th car for him (or 4th if he needs to sell one of them to acquire it) so that automatically takes him out of the category of people that rely on these cars as daily transportation. In fact, he could have both his daily driver and RX-7 in the shop at the same time and still have a couple cars to choose from to get him to and from work. This will also help keep the miles down on the RX-7, thereby decreasing the risk of things going wrong as the miles accumulate. Finally, the range of cars that he owns leads me to believe that he has the financial means to perform the routine maintenance and repairs needed to keep an RX-7 in tip-top shape.

The RX-7 is a blast to drive and while it will never be a bulletproof car (although it can be made a lot more reliable than stock), it would make a perfect purchase for someone who likes to tinker with cars and have a fast but fragile plaything in his/her collection.

-- DavidV

Get Boosted!

[This message has been edited by BoostedMR2 (edited 12 September 2002).]
Boosted MR2,

You of all people should point out the superiority of the MR2 to the RX-7 (heck, ALLAN has 43 MR2s and not 1 RX-7 - how good could they be?)

'91 Black/Black
BoostedMR2- I believe the RX7 can be bulletproof with the right work into it...
My friends 93 Yellow had a full rebuild at a reputable rotary shop, the car runs combat overheating, an alum. radiator along with custom ducting for air..No cats to relieve backpressure for the turbos...the car is major fast and never overheats or boost probs...

Also- he took it to Vegas in 110 degree heat, and did fine, the week b4 up to San Jose (800 round trip) and is ok....again one of those lucky ones....

But I could never buy another one the NSX too much!