Car and Driver Ann'y in Indy

Hey Mitch, you can sell/give away your ticket because they don't check for IDs.

I'm really glad i got to go. I got a lot of pics and more video footage. Now i just got to find a way to edit it all without editing software :confused: . the GT was INSANE
I didn't see any NSX's there. Anyways, were you talking about his GT :smile:


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I saw one other NSX there, parked behind the drag strip. Black over Black -T with KY plates, Comptech S/C, and mesh style wheels. Looked very, very nice, anybody know the owner?
Of course this piece wasn't too shabby either; :wink:
gtr, you must have been in line right around me because the SLR was sitting there while i was waiting. I was one of the last three to get in before the rain. where were you in relation to that? i wish i could have ridden in the F1, i didnt know they had that. all the cars looked awesome except the Viper.

nate, the guy has red hair. i didnt get a chance to talk to him because he was talking to some Ford GT guy and when we were looking at his car he walked past us but i know he is on prime.
That was me, red hair and all. I would have posted something here about going but didn't know I was going until the night before. I was a guest of the show Pinks, that’s why I was parked at the drag strip.

I was amazed at how well the NSX held up with the interest from the crowd considering some of the cars that where there. I made one run down the drag strip and ran 13.1 with a very, very easy launch. The C6's were doing 13.0 to 13.7 and the Ford GT did a 12.1.

JDNSX, I hope being a guest meant you didn't have to pay for your ticket. I was pretty disappointed with the overall experience. Don't get me wrong, I would happily pay what I did to have another lap in the Carrera GT with Hurley, but the rest of the event was fairly lame. I think there were about 7 cars in the Concours when I was there, the parking lot was more impressive.

Do you know when that episode of 'Pinks' will be airing? Some of the local boards have accounts of the guy who 'lost' his car seen putting gas in it on his way home :rolleyes: .

Meeyatch1 said: were the laps in the Carrera GT??

Priceless!! I was a little concerned they were just going to be doing parade laps out there, taking it easy on the cars, etc. We got to the outer grandstands when Peter Sollberg was lapping in the WRX and he totally dispelled those concerns. The guy was absolutely beating on that car, doing J-turns on the back straight, doughnuts on the front, and drifting the car all the way through the short infield road course section. Of course, drivers are hugely competitive so I think they all wanted to give the riders a thrill. The CTS-V and RS-6 cars really looked like they were going at it on a couple of laps. On my lap in the Carrera GT , Hurley couldn't resist passing the Viper under braking. The thrill of the experience was added to for me, since my seatbelt flew off under braking for the first turn :eek: I didn't want to put my camera down and I didn't want Hurley to see me reaching for it, cause I didn't want him to slow :rolleyes: .

It was good times, I'm sure a once in a lifetime kind of thing for me! :smile:

yeh i know! i didnt know the SLR was going to be there either. They werent very clear on their registration. you took your camera out? i didnt think they were letting people take their cameras
95NSXT said:
yeh i know! i didnt know the SLR was going to be there either. They werent very clear on their registration. you took your camera out? i didnt think they were letting people take their cameras

Well, nobody stopped me, and I didn't hear anybody saying anything about it so :confused: I took a video of the whole ride, pretty shaky, and just of digicam quality, but still a nice little memento :smile: I was hoping you might have some higher quality in-car.

Big_nate said:
Well, nobody stopped me, and I didn't hear anybody saying anything about it so :confused: I took a video of the whole ride, pretty shaky, and just of digicam quality, but still a nice little memento :smile: I was hoping you might have some higher quality in-car.


well i got a bunch of footage and what not. i'm waiting for my friend to send me the stuff from his camera. i'll need to get some video editing software so i can make a movie.
95NSXT, I was actually driving the Viper in the rain and stopped by for the 3:00 Sti ride on Saturday. I was there from 9-12 and back at 2.

The best ride was with with Petter Soleberg doing a 180 on the straight going backward waiving at the F1 and turning back to normal :biggrin:. I didn't take much pics because i was too busy recording most of my 512mb on the passenger side. I should of brought another memory stick :frown:
gtr, ah that's cool. I saw one of the Sti's do the 180 on the far straight away one time. I dont know if he did it more than once. But I noticed you have a MR, you're from michigan, I saw a MR with MI plates, could this be yours? :biggrin:

When I get my video together I'll post up most of my pics. I took more pics in the parking lot than anywhere else
95NSXT said:
gtr, ah that's cool. I saw one of the Sti's do the 180 on the far straight away one time. I dont know if he did it more than once. But I noticed you have a MR, you're from michigan, I saw a MR with MI plates, could this be yours?

Thought the grey MR would be low profile and hide itself in the parking lot :biggrin:

Where did you park your NSX? I didn't see any for some reason :confused:
gtr said:
Thought the grey MR would be low profile and hide itself in the parking lot :biggrin:

Where did you park your NSX? I didn't see any for some reason :confused:

Ha, you can't hide anything from me :biggrin:

We were parked in the next row up from you I believe. There was a last gen red viper and red C5 near us. Do all MRs have that, I don't know what to call it, thing across the top of your back window? What's its function? After seeing those 2 Elises........I want one :biggrin:
95NSXT said:
I don't know what to call it, thing across the top of your back window? What's its function?

You mean the vortex generator :tongue:. I guess it's functional since i've lost 2 mpg on the expressway compared to my 03 :confused:

The car is all stock except for the radio stuff :biggrin:
gtr said:
You mean the vortex generator :tongue:. I guess it's functional since i've lost 2 mpg on the expressway compared to my 03 :confused:

The car is all stock except for the radio stuff :biggrin:

Ah that's cool. I'm looking into getting your rival, a Sti. Black with gun metal Rotas, mmmm
95NSXT said:
Ah that's cool. I'm looking into getting your rival, a Sti. Black with gun metal Rotas, mmmm

Don't let hype fool you, Petter is a professional driver :biggrin:

Test drive both cars first b4 you make your choice! The evo is more like a sharp knift and the STi is more sloppy, like a viper compared to the vette. My friend has a 05 STi and I have a 05MR and yes the 05 STi steering has been revised.

Evo MR pro's.
Better and quicker steering.
The front doesn't lift creating wheel hop like the STi
Much better turbo spool (better turbo tech and larger=more hp without changing turbo)
rear wiper
Larger Front mount intercooler
Less understeer
Better suspention (bilisteins for comfort and competition)
Aluminum roof
Mod friendly computer
Projector Xenons
2nd gear goes 60mph
No heat soak on the intercooler
External oil cooler
Larger tires 235 vs 225 on Sti (both are awesome tires!)

STi pro's
Nicer Interior with outside temp and shift light.
RWD feel
2.5L feels stronger under 2500 rpm's
2nd gear can't get 60mph
more aerodynamic
Better radio (6 changer)
Better climate controls. (not comparable)
6-speed Subaru trans is known to be stronger
Easier to launch due to front lift and front tire squeel.
No 5000 rpm launch control
Has intercooler water spray
better pricing
more suspension travel (better for rally X?)

Both cars are very close in performance and you should drive the one that fits your driving style. The difference in the drive is like comparing an intergra type R to hond S2000 :eek:

If i were you i'd get the Evo IX coming late this year. It has MIVIC and a even more radical turbo :smile:
I hate this subject, Evo vs Sti. I'm always switching sides haha :biggrin: . The MR/IX is too expensive for me. I'd have to get a used 03, maybe 04 Evo if I got one. I don't know why but, I just seem to like the Sti better overall. I need to take each one a few laps around a track, but I don't know how easy that'd be to get that together. I guess it'd just be a good idea to go to Indy and test drive both and try to make up my mind. I want handling/braking/cornering/comfort more than just blistering speed. Do you still feel as strongly (ITR vs S2k) for the Evo comparing a 04 Sti to an 03/04 Evo?
Whats MIVIC?

Did you check out 05 WRX at the subaru booth?

OT: Below so please disregard in not interested. :wink:
MIVIC=Mitsubishi Innovative Variable timing and lift Electronic Control or something for 2006. Redesign in 2007 evo X.

The 05 has much less lag, larger turbo housing,front LSD, and ACD (active center differential). The 03/04 does not have front LSD and ACD except that the RS has LSD. Some issue with transfer case problems on 03/04's for evo's and the STi has some flaw with rear noise with shocks or dccd? Both have bugs. Pre 05 evos feel slow due to torque curve and spool up time. pre 05 STi's has older suspension with lots of understeer.

Steering feels slow and crappy on the 04 STi so my friend traded it for an 05 STi. Seriously, wait for the 06 to arrive and get an 05 for cheap :smile: Can't go wrong with either just driving style and feel.

To answer your question yes, feels different because of the power split on the awd systems. Because of the transfer case issues and mod friendly evo on the used market i'd rather go STi.
No, I didn't check out the Subaru booth. I don't even remember seeing it and I walked the whole park. Does the Evo have DCCD as well? This will be good because I can drive my friends 04 Sti, go test drive an 05 and go test drive an Evo of some year. I know I'll be happy with any one I get, but I want to make the right choice so I'm not kicking myself later. Maybe with the new body style, the used 05's will drop in price a fair amount.
The subaru booth is on the other side. You must take a shuttle. See the stand where we were in the background.

Ok concerning your question the 05+ evo has ACD which is a computer program to transfer power from front to rear. Three setting under the RPM dash of Gravel, Tarmac, and snow. For the STi the DCCD is a manual wheel that put the power toward the rear if perfered. Under most track condition in auto mode is faster and only one program.

Both are electronic center diff but with different names. Make sure you check out and for more info.


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Hmm, I guess I must have just passed it and not remembered it. I took the shuttle across, I saw BMW, Toyota, etc. Do the 03/04 Evo's have the ability to shift the power? I've been on nasioc before, I actually was on there a lot just browsing around when I was looking for a Sti a while back. That's a good site with a lot of traffic. I haven't been on the Evo site many times, but I'm sure it's up to par with nasioc.