Canadians richer than us!!!!!!

Beautiful women are all parts of Canada my dude... I can personally speak for Alberta, Ontario and of course French speaking Quebec

I agree with you, even Chinese woman up there are more beautiful than the Chinese girls we have here in S. Cal. I used to drive up there to clubbing back in the days...
Can't help myself anymore:-)

You do know depending on your income, you get a "milk" ck every month for every kid you have until 18 from Ottawa and it can be $100CDN/child you have. my sis-in-law has 6 kids!!
Good nutrient = CDN hotties, Asians or otherwise....Vance is right....again:-)

socialism is live and well up there. Hallelujah! My parents are there in Alberta, the richest province with big bennies.
EVERYONE got a $400 ck for x'mas when Ralph Klein was the Governor of Alberta cuz they have so much surplus. This was a few years ago....Warren can verify. BTW EVERYONE = babies & grand-ps

Fort Mac has soooo much oil sand, the higher the gas price, the more profit they make even-though it takes ~10X the cost to process oil sand vs. the Saudis. and their mining industry is thriving, and there is forestry and pot in BC.....

There are only 33million people up(anybody with a little money from HK is up there) there and Calif. already has what 22mil? Their immigration policy is tough but so much more liberal than ours. They let any yahoo in and no death penalty up there.

In July of 2008/2007(can't remember), PM Stephen Harper made a trip to Calgary to celebrate/support the opening of the largest mosque in such news here. There are mosques all over canada but CDN are much more "tolerant"+/- than us.

I also found out the reason why Canada was hesitant to join us in Afgan when Bush wanted them too. their PM told to Bush: don't call us when its 40C us when its 40C below!!! it made sense. That summer, Canada was holding a big military training exercise in Alberta and in the news the soldiers were saying they are just learning getting use to driving the tanks, humvees...etc. cuz they don't get to practice often.....No body is going to attack Canada....if they do, they have to deal with the US first.

No smog test up there in many provinces, so, many trick cars but the winter is just too long and bitter cold. comes to mind.
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Yes TIM, all that, and our football is better as well.
No need for 4 downs; 3 is enough {just an excuse to run another rushing play}
a 20 second play clock, not 40. {sooner see them play than huddle}
No "scared catch" rule on punt returns either :biggrin:
It has been like that for a while now. This year is the 100th championship "The 100th Grey Cup" "ever notice how all championship trophies in Canada can be drank from?"
NFL = "No Fun League"

Oh yea forgot: "Our balls are bigger"

The lesson here, never insult a Canadian. We go for the throat, We will go after serious stuff like Football! :-)
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When was the last time Canadians were in a war? 1812?

I can't believe I actually just read that.... What a @#$%#$ baffoon. Pure ignorance and then some. Just because Canada hasn't declared war on another country for many decades, does not mean they have not been a strong influence/participant in numerous wars over the last couple of centuries.

You'd think with this marvel of technology these days called the Internet, that people wouldn't be so closed minded.:rolleyes:
I can't believe I actually just read that.... What a @#$%#$ baffoon. Pure ignorance and then some. Just because Canada hasn't declared war on another country for many decades, does not mean they have not been a strong influence/participant in numerous wars over the last couple of centuries.

You'd think with this marvel of technology these days called the Internet, that people wouldn't be so closed minded.:rolleyes:

I may be wrong but I think the guy was joking.
Canadian girls are prettier, Canadian hockey teams can beat anybody in the world with less than 5 sec. in the 3rd period. Also, They gave us Greg Moore, Jacque/Gilles Villeneuve, Scott Goodyear, Steve Nash, Wayne Gretzky, Steve Bauer, and the one-&-only-Paul Tracy...AND they are all WAY richer than us.

There...I hid behind my keyboard and un-insulted our friends up north.
I was joking. Some of you guys on here really need to throw away the panties and switch back to boxers. It's funny how the entire world rips on America all day long, but if you poke a little fun at someone else they soil their pants. Ps, I love Canadian girls:)
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I was joking. Some of you guys on here really need to throw away the panties and switch back to boxers. It's funny how the entire world rips on America all day long, but if you poke a little fun at someone else they soil their pants. Ps, I love Canadian girls:)

lol you do have a point there sir... and being Canadian I can say that.