Can you spot the speedtraps?

13 out of 19 once i got the hang of the first few answers...:redface:
14/19 that's 5 tix for me probably par for my course!!!!!
I did best on my second attempt. Like over here, practice makes perfect. :wink:

I don't really understand what it is that they are trying to fundamentally accomplish in the UK with all of those various fixed and mobile cameras, traffic calming tactics, road signs, and personnel. Only the English.. see now this is exactly why we ate their dogs and discarded their tea. From everything I've read, things over there really went amuck.

Who would want to live in a paranoid society like that? Like, sorry I ran over you... I was looking for a camera tripod in the bushes, right? IMO, no different than the Berlin wall, one day they will all come down. How very short sighted some thinkers are.

If they are so worried about it, they could have mandated GPS or radio frequency based speed limiting devices in all registered vehicles for use in sensitive areas. The technology has been around for decades. For less than the cost of a factory alarm they could have averted all of that deception entirely.
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I don't really understand what it is that they are trying to fundamentally accomplish in the UK with all of those various fixed and mobile cameras, traffic calming tactics, road signs, and personnel. Only the English..
Not really. All of the techniques and tactics shown in those photos are used in the United States as well.

What is a speed trap?:biggrin:
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GOTTSPD's still in the lead w/ 16 of 19!


Karma's going to get my butt stopped on the way home 2nite, ain't it???