Can someone tell me what these are?

10 September 2002
I found them in my glove box, but I don't have an owner's manual. What are they for and where am I supposed to keep them? Thanks!

I don't have a Targa, so unless they're used to hold something in place for the targa, I don't think the plugs (the way the nibs are slanted they look like a push-plug to hold something in place) are NSX related :confused:.
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Those look like the Targa Plugs. They go into the holes where the targa would normally bolt in when in place. They're supposed to reduce wind noise somehow..

Part number is: 85039-SL0-T00
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Thanks Adrian, I believe you're correct:

I think it's part #6 in this diagram. Did Honda really just leave them in the glove box, or is there a more appropriate storage place for them? The guys who detailed my car yesterday took everything out of my glove box (including my registration & insurance), and let me drive away without returning them to me. :mad: Thankfully they put everything into a bag and I was able to get my stuff back this morning.


Can you believe I have yet to take the top off either of my cars? It's good to know that I can if I want though. :D
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Targa plugs indeed. Supposed to decrease wind noise. Guess I haven't gone fast enough for mine to be effective. Good luck in testing yours out!!!
Targa plugs indeed. Supposed to decrease wind noise. Guess I haven't gone fast enough for mine to be effective. Good luck in testing yours out!!!

Targa Plugs... I have never used them and when you get over 65 mph anyway and the top is off you will hear the wind :biggrin:
I keep mine in the armrest storage......don't want no whistletops......
I'll take them if you're not going to use them. :biggrin:

(Believe it or not I used to have a pair and they "disappeared" while I left them in place while the car was parked at an NSX only meet.)
yup, targa plugs so you don't get the whistle

mine are missing :frown:
Swap tops, what a great idea! Silver top on blue would probably look pretty cool. Blue on silver? I dont know.
PHOEN$X yeah they probably were photocopying your registration so they know where you live. LOL

there was an Audio shop here in tampa called Audio Itch
they would sell a customer like 5K worth of Stereo equip/ car alarm and photocopy their address from the DMV registration, and would program a 3rd remote and drive by their house disarm/silent mode and remove everything
they just sold them. they got busted and somehow are still in biz..

I dont need to worry about that cuz I am the only person that touches my NSX with any kind of cleaning material.

think outside the box guys.
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Shawn, I wish I was skilled as you in maintaining my NSXs. :( I at least had the common sense to remove my keys and remotes from the car (I didn't want anyone else driving my NSX while not in my possession). I guess in the future I'm just going to have to remove everything from my car anytime I take it somewhere, like I've had to do with my DD after someone stole iPod cables and other minor stuff from it while at the dealer for service. :mad: I guess I was getting too complacent thinking people would take more care with a car like the NSX.

NsXMas also suggested keeping a copy of my registration & insurance with my address removed, and/or having my car registered to a PO box.
Amazing how many NSX-T owners don't know about these plugs.

A couple summers ago I switched targa roofs (Imola onto the LBBP) and attended a car show..... as I was rolling into the chute/entrance where folks sit to watch comings and goings I overheard an older guy exclaim "Oh my God no!" :tongue:

For sure the LBBP roof onto the Imola looks horrible.
A couple summers ago I switched targa roofs (Imola onto the LBBP) and attended a car show..... as I was rolling into the chute/entrance where folks sit to watch comings and goings I overheard an older guy exclaim "Oh my God no!" :tongue:

For sure the LBBP roof onto the Imola looks horrible.

That would be my reaction as well! We don't need be makin' our NSXs into a clown car. :biggrin:

PHOEN$X yeah they probably were photocopying your registration so they know where you live. LOL

think outside the box guys.

It's a lot easier to just take a picture of it with a camera phone... or just ask the customers "information" for the receipt.

Now that's thinking outside of the box!