Can someone look at this for me? JH4NA21664T000038


I would assume that by Fleet it means it was rented out at the Exotic rental place in Dallas....they do that with NSX's, Ferrari's etc...just a possibility.
98SUPRATT said:
Anyone near Dallas, TX that would be willing to check this car out for me?
Arrange to have a pre-purchase inspection performed at Goodson Acura in Dallas. Curtis is their lead NSX tech; Kevin also has a lot of NSX service experience.

If you buy it, don't forget to join the NSX Club of America. Hope to see you at our local events!
Re: Can someone look at this for me?

The Kid said:
fleet means "leased" on carfax for some strange reason. Lets think about, what company has a fleet of NSX's at their disposal for employee's:rolleyes:

During the late 90s, I know of an Internet Co. that was handing out F355s as company cars in leu of signing bonuses. Smart really. The kids they were hiring were in their early 20s, so they attracted talent that would have gone elsewhere for more money. The car is deductible and they didn't have to pay cash in a lump sum. Also, if the person left... the car stayed and went to the next new hire.