Can someone host a 22mb NSXs Video?

15 July 2003
Redondo Beach, CA
Would really apreciate it if someone could pls host my 22 Mb file video taken from last Saturday's Woodward mini cruise. Thanks! :biggrin:
That sounds great! I hope someone can do it. I can't wait to see some of the pics you took the other day. :smile:
I'd love to have a copy of this. And I'll be at Woodward in August. FYI jagtiger there is a GREAT show the first weekend in August I will be at, as well as a new show to me in Cranbrook off of Woodward the last weekend in July. I'd love to meet up if you plan on attending either. I'd love a ride in your NSX, since I'm still stockpiling pennies for my future purchase of one...
Hey poet,

Let me know when you're going and I would love to give u a ride. Regards!

poet_x said:
I'd love to have a copy of this. And I'll be at Woodward in August. FYI jagtiger there is a GREAT show the first weekend in August I will be at, as well as a new show to me in Cranbrook off of Woodward the last weekend in July. I'd love to meet up if you plan on attending either. I'd love a ride in your NSX, since I'm still stockpiling pennies for my future purchase of one...
Thanks for all the replies! I already found a server (my sister has one) :biggrin: so better check it out on the Midwest Region Forums! ENJOY!
1TITENSX said:
For future reference, you can use Rapidshare which can host unlimited downloads up to 50MB.

Rapidshare is good I also use for larger file up to 1 gig the only thing is You send it is bandwidth limited so cannot support alot of traffic.
poet_x said:
I'd love to have a copy of this. And I'll be at Woodward in August. FYI jagtiger there is a GREAT show the first weekend in August I will be at, as well as a new show to me in Cranbrook off of Woodward the last weekend in July. I'd love to meet up if you plan on attending either. I'd love a ride in your NSX, since I'm still stockpiling pennies for my future purchase of one...

Yes please let me know as we are always up for car shows and Cranbrook is just around the corner from us. :smile:
jagtiger said:
Would really apreciate it if someone could pls host my 22 Mb file video taken from last Saturday's Woodward mini cruise. Thanks! :biggrin:

try ""
For now or for future, you could just make the file smaller by using the windows xp program called Windows Movie Maker.
It works really fast and simple.
You can specify what size you want your file to end up.
Just play with it and you'll end up finding uses for it.
Of course you might loose quality as you make the file smaller.
Converting your files to the windows format sometimes initself makes the file smaller. There are programs that just do that.
And also you can split the movie if you had to into smaller movies with programs like Easy Video Splitter.
Just my 2 cents.
I can host it as well without bandwidth restrictions (unless it gets downloaded more than 54,000 times in a month). :D Let me know if you'd like me to host it.