Here's a link to the Callifornia Superior Court breakdown on the 2010 traffic fines including court fees.
Here's a link to the Callifornia Superior Court breakdown on the 2010 traffic fines including court fees.
Damn I need to find my front plate just in case. It's buried in the garage somewhere. That ticket isn't cheap!
I got a speeding ticket going with the flow of traffic on 280N and 92.
There was a boxster and Yukon in front of me pulling away while I was going 70-75mph.
The CHP was on the merging ramp from the Vista point.
original rant at:While child molesters, rapists, serial murders & terrorists walk the streets freely, police departments assign up to half of their cops to catching people who's velocity is greater than what some bureaucrat says it should be. Most speed limits are arbitrary. They have no bearing on the roads or conditions. If any "Soap Opera Sally" complains loud enough, you can bet the sign will be changed to some ridiculous limit that she feels is "appropriate."
That's right, speeding tickets have nothing to do with safety, and everything to do with MONEY. It is estimated in the US speeding tickets generate about $10 billion per year, about the same as the porn film industry... Isn't that obscene?
Technology has made it cost effective to give out speeding tickets. It's a revenue source now. Ever read any of the radar gun manufacturer's sales brochures? I have. They don't talk about how speeding effects death rates (it doesn't) or how giving out speeding tickets makes the roads safer (it doesn't) but instead talk about how much money their new whiz bang radar, lidar or other new technology is going to make the governing authority! No kidding. They talk about how any officer can operate their equipment (lowered training costs.) They talk about return on investment and revenue producing potential.
Speeding never hurt anyone, except maybe some slow bugs or the occasional winged pigeon. As long as you are in control of your vehicle and not driving recklessly, then more power to you. In fact, I've seen (and personally experienced) more accidents and near accidents caused by people talking on a phone than people speeding. And I've witnessed many more near accidents by people running red lights than caused by people merely speeding. The phrase "speed kills" is a myth. What kills people is the collision. Speed, by itself, does not cause any collision.
Here's another observation I've made: The people who drive at or below the speed limit run red lights 5 times more often than those that are driving 5-10 over the posted limit. Initially I thought this was just my bias against slow drivers. But over the past 2 years I've made a concentrated effort to monitor red light runners. About 80% of the people who run red lights are driving at or under the posted speed limit. I do not understand the mentality of these people, but more research needs to be done in this area because red light running KILLS people way more than just speed by itself.
uhn-believable.You made me laugh Hal. Original thought is hard to find nowadays, isn't it? :wink: