C32B Fuel Cutoff

6 April 2016
Hi guys,

Honda lists the fuel-cutoff for the C30A at 8,300 RPM in their official documentation available online, but they don't list the fuel-cutoff for the C32B in any of their literature I can find. I also don't see it in any road tests of '97+ cars that I can find online. I know the "redline" for both is 8,000 RPM.

Can anybody verify whether the fuel-cutoff is indeed the same on NA2 cars? Thanks in advance!
In the section of the 1997 and later service manuals dealing with Fuel & Emissions (Pg11-60 in the downloadable .pdf version) it states that fuel cut occurs at 8300 RPM. There are anecdotal tales that fuel cut occurs earlier; but, that could be due to tachometer calibration errors.
In the section of the 1997 and later service manuals dealing with Fuel & Emissions (Pg11-60 in the downloadable .pdf version) it states that fuel cut occurs at 8300 RPM. There are anecdotal tales that fuel cut occurs earlier; but, that could be due to tachometer calibration errors.

Got it, thanks. Answers my question perfectly.